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  第48卷  第 1期 山  东  大  学  学  报  (工  学  版) 2018年2月              Vol.48  No.1 JOURNAL OF SHANDONGUNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE) Feb. 2018    文章编号:1672 ̄3961(2018)01 ̄0065 ̄06      DOI:106040/j.issn.1672 ̄396102017068 平板气膜冷却热固耦合特性的分析 1 2∗ 王湛 ꎬ张超 (1. 山东大学能源与动力工程学院ꎬ山东 济南 250061ꎻ2. 天津理工大学机械工程学院ꎬ天津 300384) 摘要:为分析气膜冷却方法的综合冷却效果和可靠性ꎬ采用热弹耦合的计算方法对带气膜孔平板的冷却过程进行数值模拟ꎬ 获得平板内部温度和热应力的分布特征ꎬ比较不同吹风比和不同气膜孔型对冷却效果的影响ꎮ 结果表明:内部冷却和金属导 热使固体内部温度分布较为均匀ꎬ热应力集中在气膜孔的前缘和尾缘ꎮ 与传统圆孔相比ꎬ扇形孔和双射流孔能够显著提高冷 却效率并降低热应力ꎮ 该结果可为燃气涡轮叶片的冷却设计提供参考ꎮ 关键词:燃气涡轮ꎻ气膜冷却ꎻ孔型ꎻ热固耦合ꎻ热应力 中图分类号:TK225      文献标志码:A 引用格式:王湛ꎬ张超. 平板气膜冷却热固耦合特性的分析[J]. 山东大学学报(工学版)ꎬ2018ꎬ48(1):65 ̄70. WANG ZhanꎬZHANG Chao. Analysison thermal ̄solid coupling properity of flat ̄plate film cooling[J]. Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science)ꎬ2018ꎬ48(1):65 ̄70. Analysis on thermal ̄solid coupling properity of flat ̄plate film cooling 1 2∗ WANG Zhan ꎬZHANG Chao (1. School of Energy and Power EngineeringꎬShandong UniversityꎬJinan 250061ꎬShandongꎬChinaꎻ 2. School of Mechanical EngineeringꎬTianjin University of TechnologyꎬTianjin 300384ꎬChina) Abstract:In ordertoanalysisthecomprehensivecoolingeffectandreliabilityofthefilmcoolingmethodꎬthethermal ̄solidcoupling calculating method wasutilized to simulate the cooling process on the flat plate with film cooling holes. The inner temperature and the thermal stress distribution profiles were obtainedꎬand the influence of cooling effectsby different blowing ratiosand hole types was compared. The results showed that the uniform inner temperature distribution was caused by the inner cooling and metal heat conductionꎬthe thermal stress consentrated on the leading edge and trailing edge of the cooling hole. Conpared with the traditional roundholeꎬthe fan ̄shaped and


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