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第37 卷 第6 期 噪 声 与 振 动 控 制 Vol 37 No.6 2017 年12月 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL Dec. 2017 文章编号:1006-1355(2017)06-0007-05 挠性支承可倾瓦轴承完整动力学建模及分析 1 2 2 1 杨期江 ,李伟光 ,赵学智 ,滕宪斌 (1. 广州航海学院 轮机工程学院,广州 510725 ; 2. 华南理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院,广州 510640 ) 摘 要:考虑动压润滑油膜温粘效应,首先建立轴颈-瓦块相对几何关系,导出支点反作用力与力矩的0 阶与1 阶泰 勒展开方程,推导瓦块油膜力、力矩的平衡方程及其刚度阻尼系数,联合轴颈-瓦块运动的微分方程,建立挠性支承可倾 瓦轴承完整动力学模型;通过与相关文献的试验数据进行对比分析,验证所提出的挠性支承可倾瓦轴承完整动力学模 型的准确性。 关键词:振动与波;挠性支承;可倾瓦轴承;完整动力学模型 中图分类号:TH 117.2 ;TH 113.1 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn. 1006-1355.2017.06.002 Full Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of Flexure Pivot Tilting Pad Bearings YANG Qi-jiang 1, 2 , LI Wei-guang 2 , ZHAO Xue-zhi 2 , TENG Xian-bin 1 (1. School of Marine Engineering, Guangzhou Maritime University, Guangzhou 510725, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China ) Abstract : Considering the thermal and viscous effect of lubricating oil film in dynamic compression condition, the geometrical relation between the journal and the tiles is established. The Taylor expansion equations of the zeroth order and the first order for reaction force and moment of the fulcrum are established. The equilibrium equation of the oil film force and moment in the statically equilibrium position is deduced. The kinematic differential equation of the tiles and the journal is proposed. Finally, a full dynamic model of the flexible bearing inclinable pad bearing is established. Solutions of these equations are analyzed an


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