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20 13 年 11 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.28 No. 11 第 28 卷第 11 期 TRAN SACTION S OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Nov . 20 13 旋转-直线型两自由度超声波电机建模与设计 王剑 白洋 郭吉丰 (浙江大学电气工程学院 杭州 3 10027) 摘要 多自由度超声波电机具有机械集 度高、控制精度高和无电磁干扰等独特优势,在 微型机器人、光学设备和精密装配等领域有着广阔的应用前景。为了提升旋转-直线型两自由度 超声波电机的性能和效率,提出了基于复损耗系数的定子数学模型及结构优化方案 :在约定的 边界条件下,以电机定子的两自由度输出性能为优化目标,以定子的结构参数为变量展开优化 设计,并引入相对敏感系数来筛选核心优化参数。在综合比较各参数的影响后,制作多组样机 进行比对测 ,结果显示数学模型和实验数据的变化趋势基本一致,优化后的电机性能得到大 幅提升。 关键词:旋转-直线 两自由度 超声波电机 数学模型 优化设计 比对测 中图分类号:TM356 Modeling and Optimal Design of the Rotary-Linear Type Two- Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motors Wang J ian Bai Yang Guo J if eng (Zhej iang University Hangzhou 3 10027 China ) Abstract The multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic motor with advantages of high mechanical integration, high control accuracy and anti-EMI, has been widely used in the fields of micro-robotics, optics and precision assembly . In order to enhance the performance and efficiency of the rotary-linear type two-degree-of-freedom(2-DOF) ultrasonic motor, a mathematical model of the stator based on loss coefficients and structural optimization program is designed in this work . Aimed to 2-DOF output performance of the stator, optimization of stator structure parameters is developed under the constraints of the boundary conditions. The relative sensitivity coefficient is introduced to select core optimization parameters. After comprehensive comparison of the effect of various parameters, the prototype motors are fabricated and tested. The trends of experimental data are almost agreed with mathematical model. The performance of optimized motor is sig


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