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(24) Untold numbers of organisms in the past geological periods were buried beneath silt and sand and,in the absence of oxygen,were transformed by heat,pressure, and time into the deposits of fossil-fuels--coal, petroleum and natural gas--that now yield their bound energies to man. 在翻译有些长句时,往往需要综合运用几种手法,方能奏效。譬如,在汉译下面这个句子中,就同时采用了前面介绍的三种方法:分句译法、原序译法和变序译法: (25) This hope of “early discovery” of lung cancer followed by surgical cure,which currently seems to be the most effective form of therapy,is often thwarted by diverse biology behaviors in the rate and direction of growth of the cancer. Company Logo LOGO 翻译技巧(九) 长句的译法 英语重形合,其连接手段丰富多样,一方面可以组成很长的简单句,另一方面还可以组合成更长的复合句或复杂句;而且往往从句之中套着分句、分句之中又包含从句,形成环扣相连、层现叠出的长句结构。 汉语更注重意合,汉语句子一般要比英语句子简短。 在汉译英语长句时,必须在吃透原文意思的基础上,采取灵活的变通手段,按照汉语的造句常规,重新加以组合,贴切地再现原文意义。 Company Logo 试比较下列例子中的两种译文: (1) There are wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 原译:有许多奇妙的故事可以讲关于我访问的一些地方和遇见的不少人。 改译:我访问了一些地方,遇见了不少人。要讲起来,奇妙的故事有许多。 Company Logo (2) And he knew how ashamed he would have been if his girlfriend had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born. 原译:他知道他会非常丢脸,如果他的女朋友知道了他的母亲,他出生的地方以及他所出生的人群. 改译:他出生在这类人中间,出生在这样的地方,有这样的母亲,这些要是让他的女朋友知道了的话,他明白会有多么丢人。 13.1原序译法 13.2变序译法 13.3分句译法 13.1原序译法 原序译法,又称“顺序法”或“顺译法”。有些英语长句的内容安排与汉语的表达习惯颇为一致,基本可以按照原文语序依次译出,例如: (3) The global economy that boomed in the 1960s,growing at an average of 5.5 per-cent a year, and pushed ahead at a 4.5 percent-a-year rate in the mid-1970s, simply stopped growing in 1981-1982. (4) The East Greenland Current carries much ice from the Arctic down the coast of Greenland,maintaining the low temperatures and rendering access to the east coast of Greenland difficult. (5) Whenever chemists want to combine oxygen and hydrogen to form water,they find they must use them in a certain proportion,which is always the same,no matter whether they are forming a single drop of wat