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I have been very tired since last weekend. Can you guess why? Activity 1 : must\ may \might have done… In fact ,I went to Qingdao . If I hadn’t gone to Qingdao ,I might have had a good rest. If I had had a good rest, I wouldn’t be so tired now. … Translation 如果明天姚明来我校的话 ,我就让他教我打篮球. If Yao Ming were to come to our school tomorrow, I would ask him to teach me to play basket ball. Were Yao Ming to come to our school tomorrow, I would ask him to teach me to play basket ball. If Yao Ming came to our school tomorrow, I would ask him to teach me to play basket ball. Attention please (Film 1) 注:1)虚拟语气中助动词be一律 用were,不用was。   2)在与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中, “if+主语+过去式”表不可能的将来 If you should fail in the exam , I would have to punish you. Should anyone phone, please tell him. If I should be free tomorrow, I will have a good rest. (06 湖北)—— fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. A .Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be 常用的过去分词:* required (需要的), demanded (要求), requested (被请求的), desired (要求)* suggested (建议), recommended (推荐)* ordered (命令) 常用的名词: a pity 、 a shame,no wonder,etc ? It is necessary that we should clean the room every day. ? It was a pity that you should be so careless. ??It will be desired that she should finish her homework this afternoon. ?? 注意:这种从句表示的是事实.如果说话人对这种事实表现出惊奇的情感,就可用虚拟语气.反之,如果不表示惊奇等情感.That从句也可用陈述语气,例如: ??? It is strange that he did not come yesterday. ??? It is a pity that you can’t swim. 注意: suggest表示“暗示”时不需要用虚拟 语气; insist表示“坚持认为”时也不需要用虚拟语气 e.g.: Her pale face suggests that she is ill. He insists that he didn’t steal money. About the safety accident of Sanlu milk powder for infants 我宁愿不知道三鹿奶粉事件 三鹿集团不应该把melamine加进奶粉 如果三鹿集团能早点采取措施的话,那些奶粉就不会给那么多孩子造成伤害 我认为政府有必要制定法律以确保食品安全 我多么希望我们国家所有的食品都是安全的 * Subjunctive Mood (一)虚拟条件句(if ) Activity 2 Talk about things that are contrary to the present ,past and future using the following structure. would/could/ might/shou


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