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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 110KV降压变电所设计 学生姓名: 系 别: 电气工程系 专业年级: 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘 要 110KV降压变电所电气部分设计 随着我国国民经济的快速增长,电能已成为影响我国经济发展的重要因素,各地都在兴建一系列的供配电设施。变电所是联系发电厂和电能用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的重要作用。 本次所设计的课题是某kV变电所电气初步设计,该变电所是一个地区性重要的降压变电所,它主要担任110kV及kV两电压等级功率交换,把接受功率全部送往kV侧线路。 本所位于市中部,所址工程情况良好,处于地区网络枢纽点上,具有kV、及kV两个电压等级,kV侧以接受功率为主,kV主要用于所用电以及变电站近区负荷。 本次所设计的变电所是重要变电所,全所停电后,将影响整个地区以及下一级变电所的供电,变电所最后规模:容量为21MVA,。kV侧本期出线有2回。主接线形式为单母线分段带旁路接线。 本次设计论文是以我国现行的各有关规范规程等技术标准为依据,所设计是一次初步设计,根据任务书提供原始资料,参照有关资料及书籍,对各种方案进行比较而得出。 关键词:关键词1变电站;关键词2主变压器;关键词3出线;关键词4配电装置 With the fast growth of our country national economy, the electricity also becomes important of the development and supervision in our country. Every district builds a series of supply and distribute establishment .The substation is the middle link between power plant and customers, whose function is transforming and distributing electric power. This time designs the topic is some 110kV transformer substation electricity preliminary design,this transformer substation is a topicality important voltage dropping resistor transformer substation, it mainly holds the post of 110kV and the 10kV two voltage rank power exchange, accepts the power all to escort to the 10kV side circuit. This institute is located middle the city, the site project situation is good, is in the local area network key position to light, has 110kV, and the 10kV three voltage ranks, the 110kV side accepts the power primarily, 10kV mainly uses in using electricity as well as the idle work compensation. This time designs the transformer substation is the key position transformer substation, after all power cut, will affect the entire area by the level under the level transformer substation power supply namely this design transformer substation final scale: Uses three three windings to have carries the regulating transformer, mutually for spare.The 110k



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