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生态学杂志 1998 ,17 (5) ∶27 - 32
Chinese Journal of Ecology
邱东茹 吴振斌
( 中国科学院水生生物研究所 ,武汉 430072)
On the Biomanipulation , Trophic Cascade Interactions and Top - down Forces. Qiu Dongru , Wu
( )
Zhenbin I ns tit ute of Hy d robiology , CA S , W uhan 430072 . Chinese J ou rnal of Ecology ,1998 ,17
(5) :27 - 32 .
This p ap er deals wit h similarities and difference of t he t hree concept s , biomanipulation , trop hic cas
cade interactions and top - down forces , proposed by various aut hors. All of t hem emp hasize t he ef
fect s of predation and t he nexus of Dap hnia for t he control of algae populations. Biomanipulation
aims to manipulating t he food web to improve water quality , i . e . , t he reduction of algae . Trop hic
cascade t heory seeks to explain t he wit hin - and among - lake variabilit y in basic primary production
process , Top - down and bottom - up model predict s t hat maximum attainable biomass is determined
by (bottom - up) nutrient availabity , and realizes t hat biomass is determined by t he combined effect s
of top - down and bottom - up forces. The common approaches of biomanipulation are to stock pis
civorous fishes , remove t he plankitivorous and bent hivorous fishes etc . in order to stimulate growt h
of t he populations of large sized herbivorous cladocerans wit h high efficiency . The advance in t his
area is also reviewed .
Key words :biomanipulation , trop hic cascade interactions , top - down forces , foodweb ,t he
t hreshold of nutrient loading , keystone sp ecies , size - efficiency hypot hesis.
理化因子和生物间的相互关系对生物群落的 事提出的术语 。Shapiro
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