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海水珍珠产业全球价值链治理的市场权力研究李飞星1,2 ,王锦霞1,2( 1. 广东海洋大学经济管理学院; 2. 广东海洋大学海洋经济与管理研究中心,广东湛江524009)摘要: 全球价值链 ( GVC) 治理的基础是权力与能力。通过对海水珍珠产业的市场权力变化趋势进行分析,认 为海水珍珠产业具有生产的原产地锁定特点,因此海水珍珠 GVC 治理将从购买者驱动转变为生产者驱动,驱动 力源于生态环境价值。我国海水珍珠产业为了从日本主导的购买者驱动型 GVC 链条中脱离开来,需要加强原产 地锁定和产业集群网络化的作用,同时培育南珠产业区域整体品牌,逐步转变成为生产者驱动型 GVC,并成为 GVC 治理的权力施加者,成为 GVC 治理者。关键词: 全球价值链治理; 市场权力; 网络嵌入; 生态价值中图分类号: F3文献标志码: A文章编号: 1000 - 7695 ( 2014) 01 - 0135 - 07Research about Market Power of GVC Governance on Saltwater Pearls IndustryLI Feixing1,2 ,WANG Jinxia1,2( 1. Economic Management College,Ocean University of Guangdong;2. Ocean Economic and Management Research Centre ,Ocean University of Guangdong,Zhanjiang 524009,China)Abstract: The power or capability is the base of the global value chain ( GVC) governance. The paper analyzes the trend of market power of the saltwater pearls industry and has a conclusion that the saltwater pearl industry is a special industry with original production lock - in so that the mode of BDGVCs will be transformed to the PDGVCs,and the driving force of GVC will come from the ecological value as well as the technology and capital. The saltwater pearls in our country should be separated from BDGVCs by Japan and transformed to the PDGVCs by culturing the famous whole district brand of industry of the South - Pearls. If our saltwater pearl industry GVC can be transformed to PDGVCs by strengthening the influence of the original lock - in and acquiring a network capability from the industry clusters,it will govern others among the GVC by exerting the market power.Key words: GVC governance; market power; network embeddedness; ecological value1全球价值链治理理论与权力观点概述治理一词最先来源于 Gereffi[1] 提出的全球商品 链概念,他认为全球商品链 ( GCC) 治理是一种权 力关系,权力关系决定了资本、物质、人力资源在 商品链条中的分配与流动。Gereffi 认为全球经济是 由产业全球价值链中的领先公司所制定的规则、标 准所左右,并在此基础上提出了价值链治理的概念。Gereffi、Humphrey 和 Sturgeon[2] 发 展 了 全 球 价 值链 ( GVC) 治理理论,认为作为一种治理方式的 “科层” 型治理,处理价值链和生产网络的权力被 视为一个中心、一种能力。一些成员有权力向其他 成员施加权力,并决定价值链内产生的价值如何被 分配,也决定着其他成员的地位,由权


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