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消費者心理歷程 簡介 消費者行為 簡化的消費者決策模式 市場區隔(S)?鎖定目標市場(T) 市場區隔(S)?3.心理變項 動機 生理(飢、渴、性)、心理(情感)、社會(自尊、地位) 人格 創造性、內外向、社會從眾性 認知 風險性 學習 涉入程度(involvement) 、品牌忠誠度 態度 正負面態度、歸因 生活型態 AIOs (activities, interests, opinions)、VALS (value and lifestyle system) 問題︰ 從前面兩次作業(5W1H自述、4P、5C、STP)中,看到____(買枕頭、選購保養品、餐飲、看電影 、買書籍雜誌…)等行為的哪些心理歷程? 動機 人格特質 知覺 學習 態度 動機-1 動機是ㄧ種心理動力(psychological force) ,使人產生目標(goal) 動機有正向和負向(趨/避、approach/ avoidance、 ideals/oughts、積極/保守、攻/守、+ gain/ - loss、增進/消除) 動機可分理性和感性 新需求不斷衍生,永難真正滿足需求 (無底洞) 未滿足的需求(needs, wants, desires)會造成緊張(tension) ,產生驅動力(drive) ,必須透過行動(behavior)消除緊張(tension reduction)或藉防衛機制(defense mechanisms) 減低挫折感(frustration) 下頁圖示 動機-2 減重的動機 - 1 減重的動機 - 2 減重的動機 - 3 動機啟動因素(Arousal of Motives) Physiological arousal 泡麵 Emotional 化妝品 Cognitive 保險 Environmental (or situational) arousal 旅遊︰ 航空公司廣告、各國旅遊局廣告 Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs Murry’s List of Psychogenic Needs 1. Ambition Needs Achievement: Success, accomplishment, and overcoming obstacles. Exhibition: Shocking or thrilling other people. Recognition: Displaying achievements and gaining social status. 2. Materialistic Needs Acquisition: Obtaining things. Construction: Creating things. Order: Making things neat and organized. Retention: Keeping things. 3. Power Needs Abasement: Confessing and apologizing. Autonomy: Independence and resistance. Aggression: Attacking or ridiculing others. Blame Avoidance: Following the rules and avoiding blame. Deference: Obeying and cooperating with others. Dominance: Controlling others. 4. Affection Needs Affiliation: Spending time with other people. Nurturance: Taking care of another person. Play: Having fun with others. Rejection: Rejecting other people. Succorance: Being helped or protected by others. 5. Information Needs Cognizance: Seeking knowledge and asking questions. Exposition: Education others. A Trio of Needs 動機與行銷道德 「借錢是高尚的行為」? 次級房貸、連動債 公益彩券︰賭博(gambling)?博奕(gaming) 裹小腳、豐胸、壯陽、美白 抽菸、垃圾食物 兒童、青少年、老人 廣告不可過度保證( overpromise) ,引起不實際的期待(expectation/ aspiration) 人格 人格的


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