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To be at home with skimming skills To decode Text B through skimming it To derive knowledge from Text B To learn how to write better in English Teaching Objectives Warming-Up Activities Text B Decoding (T-Decoding) Knowledge Deriving (K-Deriving) Further Development Contents Cultural Background Topic-centered Study of New Words Spot Dictation Warming-up Activities Cultural Background Juvenal Decimus Junius Juvenalis (60?-140?), known in English as Juvenal, was a Roman poet. As the originator of the genre of Roman satire (作品), Juvenal wrote 16 satiric poems, which deal with two main themes: the corruption of society in the city of Rome and the follies and brutalities of mankind. His works are a vital source for the study of ancient Rome from a vast number of perspectives. Word Study Spot Dictation Cultural Background American sports education (1/2) The United States has long been an athletic nation. Competition gets to the very heart of American values and illustrates the conceptthat if you work hard you will be rewarded.For this reason, sports play a very important role in American culture. The school systems, both public and private, have athletic programs to keep their students active and healthy. Word Study Spot Dictation Cultural Background In American schools, sports are included in the curriculum, ranging from gym class to team sports such as baseball, softball (垒球), basketball, football (美式橄榄球), soccer,swimming, hockey (冰球), field hockey (曲棍球), volleyball, tennis, golf, gymnastics, wrestling, cheerleading, etc. Matches between schools are common. Word Study Spot Dictation American sports education (2/2) 团队精神养成 负面结果 TEAMWORK SHAPING NEGATIVE OUTCOME 策略 Topic-centered Study of New Words Topic? How team sports shape you 品格塑造 CHARACTER MOLDING 谦恭的 humble 慷慨的 generous 得体的 graceful 观念 outlook 凸现(v.) underline 彼此的 mutual 关键性的 crucial 根本的 fundamental 合作 cooperation 克服(v.) overcome 大量的 considerable 过度的 excessive 力竭的 draining 要求高的 demanding 强度 in


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