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绗?6 鍗 绗?2 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2011 骞 12 鏈
Vol. 26 No. 12 Control and Decision Dec. 2011
鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2011) 12-1909-04
璋 骞? 钄¤嚜鍏? 浣欎级淇
鎽 瑕? 閽堝楂樼簿搴︿紶鎰熷櫒纭欢鍐椾綑鎴愭湰宸ㄥぇ鐨勯棶棰? 鎻愬嚭浜嗕笉鍚岀簿搴︾殑鍐椾綑浼犳劅鍣ㄦ晠闅滆瘖鏂柟娉? 璇ユ柟娉曢噰鐢ㄥ姩
鎬佹ā鍨嬩笉纭畾鎬у奖鍝嶆渶灏忓寲鑰屾晠闅滃奖鍝嶆渶澶у寲鐨勫師鍒? 瀵逛綆绮惧害浼犳劅鍣ㄦ暟鎹繘琛岄澶勭悊, 杞祦浣跨敤涓€涓紶鎰熷櫒浣滀负
杈撳叆, 鍙︿竴涓綔涓鸿緭鍑哄缓绔嬪崱灏旀浖婊ゆ尝鏂圭▼缁? 骞堕€氳繃鎵€寰楁柊鎭繘琛屾晠闅滆瘖鏂? 瀹為獙琛ㄦ槑, 鎵€鎻愬嚭鏂规硶鑳芥湁鏁堟姂鍒朵綆
绮惧害浼犳劅鍣ㄧ殑鍣0骞叉壈, 闄嶄綆鎴愭湰浠ュ強绯荤粺寤烘ā澶嶆潅鎬? 鍦ㄤ紶鎰熷櫒鏁呴殰璇婃柇鐨勫伐绋嬪簲鐢ㄤ腑鍏锋湁杈冨ソ鐨勫疄鐢ㄦ€?
鍏抽敭璇岤 鏁呴殰璇婃柇锛涘崱灏旀浖婊ゆ尝锛涗紶鎰熷櫒锛涘姩鎬佹ā鍨
涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TP212 锛汿P277 鏂囩尞鏍囪瘑鐮? A
Research on fault diagnosis of different precision redundant sensors
TAN Ping, CAI Zi-xing, YU Ling-li
(School of Information Science and Engineering锛孋entral South University锛孋hangsha 410083锛孋hina 锛嶤orrespondent:
TAN Ping 锛孍-mail 锛歵p2008@)
Abstract: To the problem of the huge cost in the high precision sensors hardware redundancy system, a different precision
redundant sensor fault diagnosis method is proposed. By using the principle of minimizing uncertainties of the dynamic
model and maximizing the impact of fault, 铿乺stly, the method reduces the noise and uncertainty by pre-processing low-
precision sensor data, then takes turns using a sensor data as input, and the other one as output to establish the Kalman 铿乴ter
equations, and the innovation obtained is applied to the sensors fault diagnosis. The experiments show that, the method not
only effectively suppresses the noise in low-precision sensors, but also can reduce costs and complexity of system modeling,
which has obvious advantages in fault diagnosis of engineering application.
Key words: fault diagnosis 锛汯alman 铿乴ter 锛泂ensors锛沝ynamic mo