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IFLA CODE OF ETHICS FOR LIBRARIANS AND OTHER INFORMATION WORKERS 图书馆员及其他信息工作者的伦理准则(IFLA) PREAMBLE 绪言 This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is offered as a series of ethical propositions for the guidance of individual librarians as well as other information workers, and for the consideration of Library and Information Associations when creating or revising their own codes. 本伦理和行业操守准则提出了一系列有关职业伦理的建议,为图书馆员及其他信息工作者提供 指导,并为图书馆和信息机构制订或修订其自身准则提供借鉴。 The function of codes of ethics can be described as encouraging reflection on principles on which librarians and other information workers can form policies and handle dilemmas improving professional self-awareness providing transparency to users and society in general . 本准则的功能:  鼓励图书馆员和其他信息工作者在制定政策和处理问题时考虑并遵守这些原则;  改进对职业的自我认知;  提高本行业对于用户和社会公众的透明度。 This code is not intended to replace existing codes or to remove the obligation on professional associations to develop their own codes through a process of research, consultation and cooperative drafting. Full compliance with this code is not expected. 本准则无意取代现有的各种准则,也无意免除行业协会在制订自身的准则时所必须经过的调研、 咨询和合作起草的程序。各行业协会制定自身的准则也无须与本准则完全符合。 This code is offered in the belief that: Librarianship is, in its very essence, an ethical activity embodying a value-rich approach to professional work with information. The need to share ideas and information has grown more important with the increasing complexity of society in recent centuries and this provides a rationale for libraries and the practice of librarianship. The role of information institutions and professionals, including libraries and librarians, in modern society is to support the optimisation of the recording and representation of information and to provide access to it. Information service in the interest of social, cultural and economic well-being is at the heart of


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