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城市轨道交通与常规公交的换乘优化 参赛队员 彭若洋 张羽白 王亦民 广东实验中学 广东省,中国 指导老师 姚仰新 摘 要 一、广州市轨道交通与常规公交的换乘现状 随着广州市加快建设现代化国际城市的步伐和经济建设水平的不 断前进和人民群众生活消费水平的提高,市民对公共交通事业的要求 也越来越高。经过小组成员的社会调查,我们发现目前广州是轨道交 通与常规公交的换乘情况最受市民关注,因此我们将对城市轨道交通 与常规公交的换乘优化作为我们的选题。对换乘系统的量化评价我们 主要选取了三个指标:运能匹配度、换乘面积、人均换乘面积。每个 指标我们都进行了理论推导,并现场调查收集数据。针对三个指标实 际意义相差较大,以及数值相差悬殊,为了进行更有效的分析,我们 考虑对指标无量纲化。这里主要运用 SPSS 软件进行数据分析,研究 不同车站间的相关性,而且还对车站进行聚类分类。最后我们针对研 究所发现的问题提出了我们的建议。 关键词:轨道交通与公交换乘、量化指标、无量纲化、SPSS 聚类分 析 Following Guangzhou quickening the step to construct herself to become a “modern world city” and increasing the level of economic construction, people’s require to bus transportation is increasing by raise of the level of consumption. After we carried out the community survey, we found that at present the current Guangzhou rail transit and conventional public transfer is of most public concern, we will therefore choose urban rail transit and conventional public transfer optimization as our topics. For quantitative evaluation of the transfer system, we have selected three main indicators: transport capacity match degrees, transfer area, the per capita transfer area. To every indicator, we have carried out theoretical analysis and field survey data collection. Owing to the practical and numerical difference between the three indicators, we consider having the indicators dimensionless in order to carry out a more effective analysis. Here we mainly take the advantage of SPSS data analysis software not only to study the correlation between the different stations, but also clustering classify the stations. Finally, we raise our proposals for the problems that we have found. Keywor


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