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针对挑战与对策的全球性研究 A Global Study of Challenges and Strategies 2008-2018 培养有效的企业文化 Cultivating Effective Corporate Cultures 在生活中,文化可以改变我们的价值取向,改善我们 的生活质量。 在我们的本次报告中,我们将为您揭开企业文化的神 秘面纱,看看它是如何影响着 企业的发展…… • 文化有利于塑造我们的生活。对于大多数需要进行 有利或者不利的改变,文化都是一种强大的力量。 Culture helps shape our lives. It can be a powerful force for good or get in the way of the most needed changes. • 美国管理协会委托人力资本管理研究机构,帮助研 究影响企业文化的因素,以及企业文化与企业成功 之间关系的实际特征,同时也帮助管理者们发展一 种可以培育组织高生产力和盈利能力的文化。 American Management Association commissioned the Institute for Corporate productivity to help discuss the factors that influence corporate culture ,as well as explore the actual characteristics of corporate culture and their relationship to business success, and help executives develop the kind of culture that will cultivate and foster higher productivity and profitability in an organization. • 本次研究也关注到文化对战略联盟,收购,兼并等 成败产生影响的情境,以及关注一些外部因素。同 时也追踪最好的方法帮助企业评估他们的企业文 化,从而发展适合组织的最佳文化。 The study also looked at those circumstances under which culture may impact the success or failure of strategic alliances, acquisitions , mergers , and the like. It also looked at external factors. It also tracked best practices that should assist companies in assessing their corporate cultures, which then can lead to developing the right culture for the organization. 我们将根据以下框架展开报告,使您对企业文化有一个 全新的认识。 • 企业文化的定义 The Definition of Corporate Culture • 企业文化的描述 Description of Corporate Culture • 调查数据:影响组织文化的因素(现今) The Factors Influence Your Organization’s culture (today) • 调查数据:影响组织文化的因素(10年内) The Factors Influence Your Organization’s culture (in 10 years) - 第一因素:当前经济条件 TOP 1 :Current Economic Conditions - 第二因素:关注可持续发展 TOP 2: Sustainability Concerns - 第三因素:人才短缺 TOP 3 :Talent Shortages - 第四因素:工作与生活的平衡 TOP 4: Work/life Balanc


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