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Unit 7 Modern Surgery Word Formation lapar/o ( abdomen) e.g. laparoscope laparoscopy laparoscopic cholecyst/o ( gallbladder) -ectomy ( excision/removal) e.g. cholecystectomy gynec/o ( female) -ology ( study) e.g. gynecology esophag/o ( esophagus) e.g. gastro-esophageal splen/o ( spleen) e.g. spelectomy adren/o ( adrenal glands) -on e.g. proton chylomicron thorac/o ( thorax) e.g. thoracoscopic my/o (muscle) e.g. myotomy col/o ( colon) e.g. colectomy nephr/o ( kidney) e.g. nephrectomy gastr/o ( stomach) e.g. gastrectomy peritone/o ( peritoneum) e.g. intraperitoneal corpus- ( body) e.g. extracorporeal -oma ( tumor) cyt/o ( cell ) e.g. phaeochromocytoma contra- (against) e.g. contraindication lymph/o ( lymph) -pathy ( disease) e.g. lymphadenopathy axilla- ( armpit ) e.g. axillary melan/o ( black ) e.g. melanoma sympath/o ( sympathetic ) rect/o (rectus) -pexy ( to fix ) 固定, 固定术 e.g. rectopexy metastasis /metastases/metastatic/metastasize Questions to consider: 1. What is minimal access surgery ? 2. What is minimal invasive procedure ? 3. Are you familiar with laparoscope / endoscope ? What is Minimal Access Surgery? Minimal access surgery is completed with one or more small incisions instead of a large incision. The surgeon passes a telescope with video camera through a small incision (usually only 1/4 long) into a body cavity. The surgeon then views the surgery on a TV monitor. Surgical instruments are then passed through other similar little incisions. The surgeon examines and operates on the area in question by viewing magnified images on a television. When the telescope is used to operate on the abdomen, the procedure is called laparoscopy. When used in the chest, the procedure is called thoracoscopy, and when used in a joint, it is called arthroscopy. Background The introduction of minimal access surgery (M


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