故乡片段 翻译.ppt

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故乡片段 翻译

我冒了严寒,回到相隔二千余里,别了二十余年的故乡去。 时候既然是深冬;渐近故乡时,天气又阴晦dismal了,冷风吹进船舱cabin compartment 中,呜呜的响, 从蓬隙awning crack 向外一望,苍黄pale sallow的天底下,远近横着几个萧索desolate的荒chilly dreary bleak 村,没有一些活气。我的 心禁不住悲凉sad and dreary起来了。阿!这不是我二十年来时时记得的故乡?    我所记得的故乡全不如此。我的故乡好得多了。但要我记起他的美丽,说出他 的佳处来,却又没有影像,没有言辞了。仿佛也就如此。于是我自己解释说:故乡 本也如此,——虽然没有进步,也未必有如我所感的悲凉dismal,这只是我自己心情的改 变罢了,因为我这次回乡,本没有什么好心绪。  我在朦胧中,眼前展开一片海边碧绿emerald 的沙地来,上面深蓝的天空中挂着一轮金 黄的圆月。我想:希望本是无所谓有,无所谓无的。这正如地上的路;其实地上本 没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。 * * Braving the severe cold, I travelled more than two thousand miles back to my hometown I had been away from for twenty years before. It was already the late winter. When we were gradually close to my hometown, the weather became dismal again. Cold wind blew into our cabin. Looking out through awning crack, I could see several desolate villages scattered far and near under the pale yellow sky with no sign of life. I couldn’t help feeling depressed (sad or dreary). Ah! This was not my birthplace I had remembered for the past twenty years? My old home I remembered was not like this. It was much better than this. But if you ask me to recall its beauties and describe its charm, I had no phantoms or words to describe it. It seemed as it was just so before. Thus, I explained to myself: my hometown was actually like this , though it had not progressed, it was not so dismal as I felt. It was just my mood that had changed. For this time I went back with no good state of mind. Through the mist, a stretch of emerald seashore spread before my eyes and a round golden moon hung in dark blue sky. I thought: hope is not to be said to be exist or not exist. It is just like the road on the


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