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Chinese Buddhist Music Catches Audience in HK中华佛教音乐吸引香港听众The Hong Kong Culture Center in Victoria Bay was packed on Thursday night, and loud applause periodically echoed through the neon lit sky. It was not rock music nor was it pop--- it was traditional Chinese Buddhist music that made an instant hitin the modern metropolis.周四晚上,维多利亚湾畔香港文化中心人山人海,灯火通明,人群中不时爆发出阵阵雷鸣般的掌声。这既不是摇滚音乐会,也不是流行音乐会,而是由中国传统佛教音乐在香港这个现代化大都市引起的轰动。Hong Kong is the fourth leg of the Buddhist music performance tour by a troupe consisting of more than 130 monks from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. And this is also the first time monks from across the Taiwan Strait had jointly set up a troupe to perform on global stage.香港是佛教音乐剧团巡演的第四站,该剧团由来自中国大陆和台湾的130多名僧人组成。这也是台湾僧侣和大陆僧人首次联合举办的环球巡演剧团。Crowds of Hong Kong residents were lining upat the local port waiting to welcome members of the troupe who were sailing from Macao, where they had just ended another successful performance on Wednesday night.该剧团刚刚圆满结束于周三晚上在澳门的演出,经由水路从澳门来到香港,热情好客的香港市民早已在当地港口列队欢迎剧团成员的到来。The monks returned the enthusiasm of the residents with a powerful performance. Almost without sleep, the monks drove to the concert hall preparing the stage and doing the rehearsals.僧人们通过极具震撼的演出效果是对香港市民热情的最好回报。他们来不及休息便马不停蹄地前往音乐厅布置舞台并忙着节目彩排。Buddhist music, which originated from ancient India, found its way into China some 2,000 years ago, and after absorbing elements of traditional Chinese folk music, court music and other religious music, a unique form which is now called Chinese Buddhist music came into being.佛教音乐源自古印度,大约2000年前传入中国,在吸收中国传统民间音乐、宫廷乐曲和其他宗教音乐的基础上,形成了风格独特的中国佛教音乐。The monks of the troupe come from prestigiousBuddhist temples including Fo Guang Shan Temple in Taiwan, Shaolin Temple in central Henan Province, Labrang Temple in northwestern Gansu Province, and General Temple in southwestern Yunnan Province, representing the three branches of Buddhism in China, namely Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Pali Buddhism.该剧团僧人均来自久负盛名的佛寺,包括台湾佛光山寺,河南省中部的


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