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7Thus electricity is seen to be a form of energy by which power be taken up at one place and rapidly---and generally very efficiently---delivered at another. 于是,电能被看作能量的一种形式,可把动力以电的形式迅速地,而且通常是非常高效率地由一个地方输送到另一个地方。The process is similar to that performed at the transmit end, and the carriers are suppressed within the balanced modulation. 此项过程与发送端所进行的相似,载波被压制在平衡调制器内。Pure oxygen must be given to patients in certain circumstances. 在某些情况下必须给病人纯氧气。Because it is not heavy for the power it gives, a petrol engine is still used in small aircraft. 就功率来说,汽油发动机不算重,因此,现在的小型飞机仍然使用它。Innovative glass technology has been driven by increasing concern with climate changes, energy conservation, and urban sustainability. 人类日益关注气候变化,关注节约能源和城市可持续发展,这推动了玻璃技术不断创新。A lot has been found out about the journeys of migrating birds by marking the birds with aluminum rings put on one leg. 候鸟的旅行情况,很多是靠在鸟腿上套个铝环作标记查明的。Pipes are often corroded by the oxygen in the air. 管子常被空气中的氧腐蚀。Friction is also much diminished by proper lubrication. 适当的润滑也可以大大减少摩擦。There are a number of significant top-level issues that must be addressed if a cooperative approach to human space exploration is to be pursued. 要寻求人类太空探测的合作途径,就必须应对一些至关重要的问题。This latter decision was implied in 2004 by the budget projections released together with the VSE plan, and has never been explicitly countermanded. 后一项决定在2004年发布的预算案和新太空计划中就有所暗示,并且从未明确取消。Meteorologists are currently trying to determine what proportion of the continent’s precipitation is produced in this way. 目前,气象学家门正在努力确定这个大路上的降水量中有多少是以这种方式产生的。At one time, it was thought that nothing could possibly live very deep down in the oceans. 人们曾一度认为,海洋的深处不可能有生命,因为那里没有光线,而且极冷。Assuming radiation losses to be 5%, calculate the amount of steam required. 假定辐射损耗为5%,试计算所需的蒸汽量。They believe that they will bring to discussions of their participation in the VSE more bargaining power than has been in the case historically. 相对于以往,他们坚信在新太空计划的参与权上将会拥有更多的讨价还价的砝码。In fact, the hole appears to move in response t


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