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摘 要 随着国家体制改革的不断发展,个体新创企业前途具有高度的不可预测性,采用团队创业模式的小企业数量在不断增多,新创企业正是依靠创业团队企业家精神才保证了小企业存活的可能性并支撑着小企业的快速成长。大公司为了巩固并扩大竞争优势,也越来越重视高层管理团队建设。其中,如何把创业团队企业家精神延续到大公司去,进而转化成为能够支持大公司持续快速成长的高层管理团队企业家精神也已成为创业管理的一大研究热点。 本文以动态复杂的竞争环境为背景,以企业成长中创业团队成员变化为分析起点,创造性地将创业团队与企业家精神相结合,通过简要的理论分析提出创业团队企业家精神的四大维度:集体创新、分享认知、共担风险、协作进取,构建了创业团队企业家精神动态延续的概念性模型。通过因子分析、相关分析及回归分析验证了创业团队企业家精神的四个维度与团队绩效的内在关系。最后,从冲突和心理契约角度出发,提出了影响创业团队企业家精神动态延续的策略。 关键词:创业团队;企业家精神;动态延续;因子分析 Abstract With the continuous development of national reform, the perspective of individual start-ups has a high degree of unpredictability, the team that adopt the model of small business are in growing number of enterprises, enterprises that rely on a new venture team entrepreneurial spirit to ensure the survival of small enterprises .And supports the possibility of the rapid growth of small enterprises. In order to consolidate and expand the competitive edge, more and more large companies pay much attention to the senior management team-building. Among them, how the entrepreneurial spirit of continuity to the team entrepreneurs to large companies and then transformed into a large company can support sustained and rapid growth of the senior management team of entrepreneurship has become a major business management research focus. In this essay, the complex dynamic competitive environment as the background and business growth in entrepreneurial team members change the starting point for analysis and entrepreneurial team will be combined creatively with the entrepreneurial spirit, through a brief analysis of entrepreneurial team to put forward the four dimensions of entrepreneurship : Collective innovation, knowledge sharing, a total of risks, while, and cooperation to forge ahead, established a business continuity team dynamic entrepreneurial spirit of the conceptual model. Through factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis of the verification team entrepreneurial spirit of entrepreneurs of the four dimensions of team performance


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