十二生肖 中英文双语 中国文化精品.pptx

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十二生肖 中英文双语 中国文化精品

Chinese Zodiac;十二生肖,是由十一种源于自然界的动物即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪以及传说中的龙所组成,用于纪年,顺序排列为子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。在多个国家和民族被广泛使用。 In Chinese astrology each individual personality is associated with an animal sign that represents it. They are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig and the Dragon in the Chinese legend. To be used as a method for counting years, the twelve Chinese zodiac signs ranking as Zi-Rat, Chou-Ox, Yin-Tiger, Mao-Rabbit, Chen-Dragon, Si-Snake, Wu-Horse, Wei-Sheep, Shen-Monkey, You-Rooster, Xu-Dog, Hai-Pig. Twelve Chinese zodiac signs is widely accepted and used in many countries and peoples. ; 是啮齿目哺乳类动物,种类甚多,分布极广,无论繁华闹市,还是荒漠高原,几乎都可以发现它们的踪迹。 Rat is muroid rodents, small with a long tail that looks like a large mouse, usually considered a pest. It can be found everywhere. ; 牛成为生产力的标志,已经有几千年的历史了。牛是人类最早驯化的动物之一。 Ox has been castrated, used, especially in the past, for pulling farm equipment, etc. It has evolved over thousands years. Ox is one of the earliest domesticated animals by humans. ; 虎是大型猫科食肉类动物,有8个亚种,即孟加拉虎、爪哇虎、苏门答腊虎、东北虎、华南虎、高加索虎、印支虎、新疆虎。 Tiger is a large wild animal of the cat family that has yellowish fur with black lines and lives in parts of Asia. There are 8 numerous tiger subspecies: Bengal tiger, Javan tiger, Panther Tigris Sumatrae, Manchurian tiger, Panthera Tigris Amoyensis, Caucasia Tiger, Panthera Tigris Corbetti, and Panthera Tigris Lecoqi. ; 兔子是温顺安详的小动物,所以以十二生肖文化纪年的国家和地区的人们认为,兔年应该是个平和吉祥的年份。 Rabbit is a meek and peaceful small animal, so in these countries and regions used the twelve Chinese zodiac signs as a method for counting years, Year of the Rabbit should be a peaceful year. ; 对于中国人来说,龙是中国最大的神物,当然也是最大的吉祥物,龙年向来是十二生肖年中最受重视??年份。 For the Chinese, the dragon was the greatest mascot and held sacred. Year of the dragon has always been valued among years of twelve Chinese zodiac signs. ;


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