太阳能热水器毕业论文论文 doc.doc

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太阳能热水器毕业论文论文 doc

XXX科技大学本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)题 目:基于单片机太阳能热水器控制系统的设计学生姓名:学 号:专 业:自动化班 级:指导教师: 基于单片机太阳能热水器控制系统的设计 摘要 今天,环境问题?能源问题日益突出,给我们的生活带来了极大的压力?尽管这些年新兴能源已经得到了很好的发展,但是依旧还是无法解决日趋严峻的能源压力?由于不可再生资源的逐渐减少我们很自然会把目光对准一些可再生资源,这里就不得不提到太阳能,太阳能对我们目前而言可谓是一种取之不尽用之不竭的宝藏,然而由于我们目前的科学技术手段还不能充分的利用太阳能?在本设计中我会给大家介绍一种目前已经算是比较成熟的太阳能应用技术,他就是太阳能热水器?太阳能热水器以其诸多的优点受到人们的欢迎? 本文结合实际太阳能热水器的具体应用,通过软硬件设计,实现以51系列单片机为核心器件,扩展外围接口电路,如键盘与显示等;阴冷天按照设定温度要求可自动加热等功能:单片机;太阳能;热水器 Solar energy water heater based on MCU controller design Abstract Abstract: Today, environmental issues, energy issues have become increasingly prominent, to give our lives has brought great pressure. Although these years emerging energy already obtained the very good development, but still can not solve the increasingly serious energy pressure. As a result of non-renewable resources are gradually reduced naturally we will focus on some renewable resource, it will have to solar energy, solar energy to our current character it may be said is an inexhaustible inexhaustible treasure, however due to our current scientific and technical hand paragraph was not very good use of its ten one or two. In this design I will give you a present is already relatively mature solar energy application technology, he is the solar water heater.the solar energy water heater with its many advantages is welcome of people. Through the software and hardware design, realization to 51 series microcontroller as the core device, peripheral expansion interface circuit, such as the keyboard and display. According to the set time realize automatic sheung shui, manual sheung shui and sheung shui during the volume tip; Cold day temperature can be set according to requirements heating etc. Function. Keywords: SCM, Solar energy water heater . 目录 第一章 前言 1 1.1 太阳能热水器的发展概况及市场竞争分析 1 1.2 太阳能热水器的应用及意义 2 第二章 设计思路及仿真软件 3 2.1 方案设计 3 2.2 关于Proteus 3 第三章 太阳能热水器控制系统硬件设计 9 3.1 各单元模块功能及设计 9 3.2 基于AT89C51单片机及其外围电路单元 9 3.3 水位检测和温度检测接口电路 11 3.3.1 上水及排空控制电路和辅助加热电路 13 3.3.2 4X4矩阵键盘设计 14 3.3.3 显



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