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;The Symbols of China : china;梁梦蝶
罗敏;China is made of porcelain clay(瓷土) fire vessels(器皿)。 It is one of the ancient Chinese great inventions.
;读懂了陶瓷,也就读懂了历史;The Development Of Porcelain;人类在用火和捏制泥土容器的过程中,发现经过制作的粘性泥制容器过火后变得十分坚硬,并且遇水不化,于是有意识的制作泥胚。 The invention of pottery greatly convenient people is living and production.
; the Neolithic Age(新石器时代);qin dynasty; 两汉时期正值原始青瓷向成熟青瓷过渡的时期,是我国陶瓷发展史上的一个重要里程碑。
Han dynasty to mature celadon comes as the original celadon is time of transition, in the history of our countrys pottery is an important milestone. ;至两晋时,原始瓷已基本遭淘汰而完成了历史性的转变。青瓷在浙江发展到了较高的水平,烧成多色彩瓷。这种施釉方法,直接导出了唐代著名的唐三彩陶器。这一时期还出现了白瓷和黑瓷。 ;隋代已烧制出胎质洁白,釉面光润的白瓷,开启了唐代瓷业“南青北白”局面的先河。
;The tang dynasty porcelain making and using the more popular, porcelain and modelling novel varieties of variety, its fine is far beyond the former dynasties, in developing formed a south green north white, the two kilns system. ;宋朝是我国瓷器空前发展的时期,瓷窑遍及南北各地,名窑迭出,品类繁多,除青、白两大瓷系外,黑釉、青白釉和彩绘瓷纷纷兴起。举世闻名的汝、官、哥、定、钧五大名窑的产品为世所珍贵。;*在景德镇设“浮梁瓷局”统理窑务,发明了瓷石加高岭土的二元配方,烧制出大型瓷器,并成功地烧制出典型的元青花和釉里红及枢府瓷等。
*Blue white porcelain international fire success, in China ceramics history epoch-making significance. ;Ming porcelain, this period and colorful imbuing researchason succeeded as thin as shell and light if the thin silk yarn womb porcelain, and a wide variety, sizes and decorative pattern rich porcelain plate painting, also exquisite and clinking. ;2、The qing dynasty
我国的制瓷工艺发展到清代,特别是早期的康熙、雍正??乾隆三朝盛世更是达到了历史的最高水平。 ;Jingdezhen porcelain is the pearl in the treasure house of Chinese art and culture. In its long and glorious history, a brilliant art and craft has been handed down and masters have been brought up in a number of dynasties. In the long time development, the artists and craftsmen in Jingdezhen brought their full talent into play and created numerous masterpieces. Thanks to their hard working, Jingdezh
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