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摘 要:上世纪兴起的广义逆矩阵经过几十年的发展,已经成为现代数学研究中一个活跃的领域.作为逆矩阵的推广,广义逆矩阵的理论已成为数理统计、最优化理论、现代化控制理论和网络理论等学科的重要工具.在科学研究和工程应用中,很多问题都可以归结为求解矩阵广义逆(特别是伪逆)的数学问题.
The calculation method of generalized inverse matrix
Abstract:Arisen in the last century, generalized inverse has developed for severaldecades and become an active area of mathematics. As the promotion of the inverse matrix, the generalized matrix theory has become an important tool in the mathematical statistics, optimization theory, modern control theory, network theory and so on. In scientific research and engineering applications, many problems could be reduced as the mathematical problems of solving generalized inverseespecially, pseudo inverse.
First, the paper reviews the inverse matrix knowledge, and states the calculation of inverse matrix combined with the examples. Then draws forth the concept of generalized inverse matrix through the promotion of inverse matrix, and its definition, properties, classification, calculation method and the relationship between generalized inverse matrixwith inverse matrix. We discuss the Moore-Penrose inverse of block matrices, full-rank factorization. Finally the generalized inverse matrix in the application of linear equations are introduced. We give some numerical computations relative to this theory.
Key words:inverse matrix;generalized inverse matrix;full rank decomposition;the system of liner equations
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