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二年级英语期中测试卷 Class__________Name________Score_________ 一 、听力((0.5* 听句子,选出所听的单词或词组. (听一遍) ( )1 A five B fifteen C fifteenth D fifty ( )2 A 6:58 B 7:02 C 6:02 D 7:58 ( )3 A house B bigger C horse D the bigger ( )4 A every day B take to school C every morning D take home down ( )5 A China B maps C he has D the USA 听对话,选择正确的答案(听两遍) ( )1 Mary is ______ A a player B a cleaner C a doctor D a bookseller ( )2 Kate lives in a ______. A small house B big house C fine house D high building ( )3 Betty’s English is ______than Mary. A better B worse C a little better D much better ( )4 Tom is ______for school in the morning. A very late B late C always late D sometimes late ( )5 Mike will ______tomorrow. A play basketball B play football C play soccer D play volleyball 听短文,填所缺的单词. Mary __1__from Australia. She __2___in a tall building in the __3___ of Sydney. She is ___4____the sixteenth floor. Every day she goes to work on ___5___. His work starts at eight o’clock and __6___ at half past five. She gets____7___at a quarter __8___six. She goes up to the ___9___floor ___10___lift. 1________ 2__________3________4________5_________6_________7________8_______9______10________ 二、词汇 (13分) 根据音标写单词. 1 We must ______/ /our classroom clean and tidy. 2 Children can learn a lot about _____/ / here. 3 My friend is much _____/ /than I. 4 The ______/ / name is Beibei. He isn’t _______/ /. 用所给词的正确形式填空. 1 We_________(have) fun _________(learn) chemistry( 化学) next year. 2 She lives in a town ______(call) Gum Tree. 3 She is _______(good) than I at ________(ski). 4 Let’s come a little ________(early) 5 How about _____(play) football after class? No,let’s go_____(hike) 三、选择填空(12分) ( )1 I like watching dolphins ____and _____. A swim,jumping B to swim,and jump C swimming,jumping D swim, jump ( )2 This book is ____than one. A popularer B more popular


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