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南海中学高三年级模底考试 英 语 YCY I.(A)Choose the correct answer according to what you hear on the tape . 1.Where did the conversation probably take place? A.In a department store B.In a furniture store. C.In a factory. 2.What would the new sofas cost each? A.$ 59 B.$63 C.$ 65 3.What day is it today? A.Thursday. B.Sunday. C.Monday. 4.What did the man do before he began to do music? A.A teacher B.Advertising C.A broadcaster 5.Which of the following is true about the man? A.He dislikes listening to all kinds of music. B.His previous jobs have nothing to do with music. C.He never did a lot of lecturing on creativity. 6.Which of the following instruments is the man better at ? A.Piano. B.Violin. C.Guitar. 7.What is the man looking for? A.A church. B.A house. C.A hospital. 8.Which one did the woman say was five minutes down the road? A.St. John’s B.St. Peter’s C.St. Mary’s 9.Why did the woman apologize? A.She had no idea how the place looked like. B.She made a mistake in the name of the place C.She couldn’t go together with the man to the hospital. 10.Why does David call Vicky? A.He doesn’t understand how to do the biology homework. B.He isn’t sure what the biology homework is. C.He needs Professor Barber’s phone number. 11.What does Vicky think about the homework? A.She understands it clearly B.She finds some parts of it difficult C.She’s ready to stop working on it. 12.How does Vicky respond to David’s problem? A.She offers to do the homework for him. B.She thinks it’s too late to help him. C.She agrees to work with him. 13.What did the man blame air pollution on at first? A.Cars B.People. C.Factories. 14.Why did the woman dislike the man driving to school? A.He missed a lot of exercise. B.He made traveling inconvenient. C.He spent too much money on his car. 15.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Student and teacher. C.Boss and employee. (B)Fill in the blanks with not more than three words based o


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