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历届高考试题中的错误 哈尔滨工业大学 赵振才 neednt have done /couldnt have done 【问】1: There was plenty of time.She ______. A.mustnt have hurried B.couldnt have hurried C.must not hurry D.neednt have hurried 规定的答案为D。但我认为选B也是对的。您的意见如何? 【答】同意你的意见。就上面孤立的句子而言,选B同样也是正确的。couldnt have done常常用来表示从现在或过去看来过去不可能发生某事。上道题中的She couldnt have hurried.意为:她不可能很慌忙的。请对比下列例句: 1.You realize that you were driving at 100mph, dont you?No,officer,I______ .This car cant do more than 80. A.neednt have been B.may not have been C.didnt need to be D.couldnt have been 2....her father could not have made such a mistake.(NCE)……她父亲不可能犯这样的错误。 3.They couldnt have left so soon.他们不可能那么快就走了。 请做下面的英语试题: 1.Mary ______my letter,otherwise she would have replied before now. A.has received B.ought to have received C.couldnt have received D.shouldnt have received 2.-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. -It______ a comfortable journey. A.cant be B.shouldnt be C.mustnt have been D.couldnt have been(全国高考,95-15) could have done 【问】-I stayed at a hotel while in New York. -Oh,did you?You ______with Barbara. A.could have stayed B.could stay C.would stay D.must have stayed(全国高考,98-11) 答案为A。但是,You could have stayed with Barbara是什么意思呢? 【答】could have done可以表示两种不同的意思:A.某事在过去有可能发生,但说话人确切知道该事并未发生;B.说话人推测某事在过去有可能发生,至于该事是否真的发生,说话人并不确切知道---说话人仅是对过去事件进行一种推测,一种估计。请对比下列实例: 1.I could have lent you the money.Why didnt you ask me?我本来可以把钱借给你的。你为什么没有向我借呢?(说话人确切知道you并没有向I借钱) 2.The letter could have got lost in the post.这封信可能是在邮递中丢失了。(说话人并不确切知道那封信是否在邮递中丢失) 由于这个结构能表示两种不同的含义,所以有些句子,脱离上下文,可能会产生歧义: He could have sent a message. a)他可能送了个信儿来。(说话人并不知道他事实上是否送来了信儿) b)他本可以送个信儿来的。(说话人确切知道他并没有送信儿来) 同样,上面的试题可能含有两种不同的含义: a)……你本来可以同巴巴拉住在一起的。(暗含的意思是:你本不必住旅馆的) b)……你可能同巴巴拉住在一起了。(说话人的一种推测) couldnt have done /mustnt have done 【问】(1)-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. -It ______a comfortable journey. A.cant be B.shouldnt be C.mustnt have been D.couldnt hav



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