外语教研版高中英语必修5 module 2 导学案.doc

外语教研版高中英语必修5 module 2 导学案.doc

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外语教研版高中英语必修5 module 2 导学案.doc

Book5 M2 导学案 第一课时-----基础训练 一。课文复习 A根据课文内容填空 Roads can be in____________and dangerous ____________(在高纬度)in big mountains . Let me tell you something about one road in La Paz , which is at 3,500meters in Bolivia, and a man who is always standing __________of the road_______________. ___________, mountains rise _______and on the other there is_____________. Often the vehicles ________the road and fall. You can imagine how many people ___________ ______________ death there .The most dangerous thing is that there is a bend where two vehicles from___________________can’t see each other. But _____to TImoteo , ___________has fallen . Every morning , he ___________the bend with a large board , which is red on one side and green on the other. When vehicles come , he shows the drivers the board , which tells them to ________the green color or to stop with the red color .In this way he directs the traffic . YOU may think his job is________. How much money does he receive from doing it ? Nearly nothing . He is a volunteer. Only a few drivers give him______, which helps him to____________. Most of them _____________. Why does he do so ?It’s because he thinks it his ____________to help others. B.重点句子----完成下列句子。 1.Life is hard _________________(在高纬度),and the mountains _________________________(使得沟通很困难 ) . 2.Many roads are ____________________ (状况糟糕)and _____________________________(交通事故频繁 )。 3.___________________( 平均) ,one vehicle comes off the road __________________(每两周 ). 4.Thanks to the man ,__________________(死亡人数 ) has fallen . 5.Timoteo stands on the bend and _____________________(指挥交通 ) . 6.Often the drivers just pass by ,___________the human traffic signal ______________(想当然 ) 7.Before he _________________ (自愿 ) direct the traffic ,Timoteo had had lots of jobs 。 8.One day while he was working as a lorry driver he _____________________ ( 与死亡擦肩而过) 9.This last experience ____________________________( 对---产生影响) Timoteo , 10。He _______________________________ ( 觉得是他的使命) in



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