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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 雅思图表写作范文:英国公民出游目的 图表写作也算是A类雅思写作的一个特色,而雅思图表写作跟大作 文还是很有区别的,雅思图表写作在句式用词上都比较固定,因此,雅 思写小作文高分的重点都是在图表描述的逻辑结构上,下面就是智课整 理的一篇关于英国公民出游目的的雅思图表写作范文。 The first table below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98. The second table shows their destinations over the same period. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. 这两个图表反映的是一项基于10万英国人的抽样调查结果,时间为 1994-1998年四年间。图表1显示的是英国公民出国旅游的目的;图表2 展示的是他们前往的国家和地区。 The two tables reflect the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 British people over a span of four years from 1994 to 1998. The first one shows the purposes of their visits abroad and the second indicates their choices of destinations. 从图表1来看,度假是英国人出国的主要原因,其次是为公务原因 以及走亲访友。从图表2看出,西欧是最为集中的目的地,然后是北美 和所有其它地区的汇总。 As can be seen from table 1, holiday-making was the main reason for British people to travel abroad. Next were for business sake and for visiting friends and relatives. Table 2 shows that Western Europe was the primary destination of the British people traveling abroad and next came North America and many different countries and areas as a whole. 首先 ,我们看到1994年因度假而出国的次数为15,246,与公务出 国的3,155次、走亲访友出国的2,689次,以及别的什么原因的982次形 成了明显的比照。1995年,我们看到接受调查的英国人出国度假的次数 较之前一年有所下降 ,为14,898次,但仍然远高于因其它原因而出国的 次数。接下来的几年,我们看到出国度假、公务、走亲访友的次数都继 续增长 ,其中,1996年出国度假的增长最大,从14,898次上升至17,89 6次。1997年是公务出差和走亲访友的增长最大,分别增长了390次和2 77次。因为其它原因的出国则不断出现波动 ,从1994年的982次降到1 995年的896次,然后又攀升到1054次,最后又降低到990次。从每年 出国总次数来对比,1998年为最多的一年,有28,828次,1995年最少 ,是21,610次。 First, in 1994, there were 15,246 visits abroad for holiday spending which contrasted strikingly to 3,155 visits for business, 2,689 visits for visiting friends and relatives and 982 visits for other reasons. In 1995, we see that the number of visits paid by the sampled British


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