GRE Issue作文重点题目:个人发展.pdf

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GRE Issue作文重点题目:个人发展

智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 GRE Issue作文重点题目:个人发展 下面是智课小编为大家搜集整理的关于个人发展的GRE Issue作文 重点题目,希望各位考生可以在平时多收集一些这样的素材,希望对大 家有所帮助。 Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own. Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. 结论:相比意见不同的人来说,通常,我们从意见相同的人那里学 的更多。 原因:意见不统一会导致压力,阻碍学习。 I concede that undue discord can impede/hamper learning. Otherwise, in my view we learn far more from discourse and debate with those whose ideas we oppose than from people whose ideas are in accord with our own. 1. Admittedly, discussing with those whose views we share is efficient with an accordant atmosphere. 1) When facing a question, people are inclined to talk with those who are in accord with them instead of with those opposing them. 2) People from different regions may even contradictory on some questions, such as whether to eat pork. In that case, its impossible to communicate between the two sides. 2. However, it is common that we learn more from those hold different views against ours. 1) Difference in opinion, perhaps due to consideration in other direction, may remind us what we have neglected. 2) The two parties with different knowledge are able to complement each other. 1. Besides, people holding the same views often have the same way of thinking. Its hard to progress for them to discuss together. 以上便是关于个人发展的GRE Issue作文重点题目了,各位考生可 以选择其中的一些语句来进行总结背诵,做到熟练掌握这个话题,祝大 家考试顺利!


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