“Every battle is won or lost before it is fought.”—Sun Tszu ‘Art of War’Effective Employer Brand Strategies to Win the China Talent War__精品.doc
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“Every battle is won or lost before it is fought.”—Sun Tszu ‘Art of War’Effective Employer Brand Strategies to Win the China Talent War__精品
?Every battle is won or lost before it is fought.”—Sun Tszu ‘Art of War’Effective Employer Brand Strategies to Win the China Talent War
?Every battle is won or lost before it is fought.”—Sun Tszu ‘Art of War’Effective Employer Brand Strategies to Win the China Talent War
Welcome All:Introducing Hudson Global RPO TeamSimon Bell (Presenter) Kimberley HubbleJosh SorkinMary Jane RaymondSVP, Head of Asia, Hudson Executive General Manager, SVP, Head of Americas, EVP, Global CFO, HudsonRPOHead of Australia, Hudson RPOHudson RPO?a name=baidusnap8#0046998?Expertise in finance and ?#0046998?Simon has over a ?#0046998?Leads RPO, Talent controllership, risk decade of experience in ?#0046998?Implemented Australia’s Management and Retained recruitmmanagement and strategic ent and talent first RPO solution, Johnson Search for the USA and mplanning. anagement in Asia-amp; Johnson. Jamp;J is still a Canada.Pacific. client today.?#0046998?Former risk officer at The ?#0046998?Industry specialties include ?#0046998?LivedDun amp; Bradstreet in Shanghai ?#0046998?RPO amp; Talent Management industrial, financial services, 1999, 2000Corporation. Worked for . expert; understanding how consumer goods, Lucent Technology and an RPO strategy can technology and life ?#0046998?His specialties include Cummins, Inc.empchange the company loymensciences.t branding, employee retentionculture and level of , ?#0046998?Stanford #99ff99MBA.applicanperformance. t tracking ?#0046998?Among the first to introduce systems and Asian RPO into Latin American candidate and ma?#0046998?Professional psychologist rket markets.dynamics. with 17 years’ experience.
Agenda?#0046998?Hudson China Report Q3 2010?#0046998?Differentiation through Employment Branding ?#0046998?9 Key Actions to Compete for Talent
Highest hiring expectations since Q1 2006
Banking amp; Financial Services; ITamp;T and Industrial sectors again report highest hiring expectations
Nearly half of respondents have had job offers
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