Emerging Trends in NCO - Comcast:新兴的趋势在NCO -康卡斯特_精品.ppt

Emerging Trends in NCO - Comcast:新兴的趋势在NCO -康卡斯特_精品.ppt

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Emerging Trends in NCO - Comcast:新兴的趋势在NCO -康卡斯特_精品

* * 1. Battlespace Event from External Applications 6. New Mode Decision Strategy Manager 4.Impact Analysis for Event 5.Assess Aggregate Benefit versus Cost Event has low impact No need to change mode Decision Support System (DSS) 2. Data Update to DSS Object 3. Data Extracted from DSS Object State Variables Adaptive Information Dissemination Foundation Information Grid I proposed the Storage Resource Broker (SRB) from UC San Diego as a foundation for bottom-up construction of information grids for NCOIC demos An SRB Zone provides unified access through a Metadata Catalog to multiple data sources independent of location, database and storage device SRB Zones can be federated by mappings between Metadata Catalogs The SRB is freely available to government projects Foundation Information Grid Physical Storage Independence Database Independence Location Independence Metadata Catalog Zone1 Physical Storage Independence Database Independence Location Independence Metadata Catalog Multiple Client Interfaces e.g. Web Services Zone 2 Drivers Drivers * * Foundation Information Grid Future Activities Technical Lead for NCOIC review of DISA’s NECC architecture documents Explore possible standardizations for Complex Event Processing with OSD NII and FAA Organize a session on “Net-Centric Computing Environments: From Grids to Virtualization ” co-hosted by NCOIC and Open Grid Forum Analyze feasibility for defining verifiable layers of interoperability for specific missions with NATO * We believe NCO enables transformation. We are working with government and one another to find an open way to demonstrate how NCO enables transformation and accelerates those efforts. We’ll have a predominantly technical focus because that’s what our companies do—but we realize a significant aspect of transformation is cultural. We can’t do business in the same way we have been and therefore hope to achieve an interop


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