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职场大变样社区():下载毕业设计成品 全套资料,全部50元以下 毕业设计(论文)题目: 基于jsp的网上服装商城的设计与实现 毕业设计(论文)要求及原始数据(资料): 1.综述国内外网上服装商场技术研究现状; 2.深入了解网上服装商场的相关技术; 3.熟练掌握熟练掌握B/S三层架构模式的应用与分析的应用与分析,训练编写插件程序的能力; 4.设计并实现网上服装商场中针对某一服装购买的设计; 5.深入分析网上服装商城插件的关键技术与编写语言; 6.训练检索文献资料和资料的能力能力3.熟悉网上服装商城的开发环境; 4.设计网上服装商城的插件; 5. 深入分析网上服装商城的关键技术与编写语言的设计流程; 6.熟练掌握基于网上服装商城平台的插件编写; 7.设计与实现针对网上服装商城的程序。 学生应交出的设计文件(论文): 1.内容完整、层次清晰 摘 要 这篇论文是基于网上服装商城为了用户与网上管理员大家都方便省事的角度为出发点,分析了当前的各种需求,提供了用户购物功能和管理员管理功能。用户功能主要包括注册了的用户和访问的用户,访问的用户可以查看网上商城的各种商品信息,而注册的用户福利不仅局限如此,还可以进行商品添加到购物车,订单管理,查询物流信息,留言板,会员信息修改等功能。相比用户而言,管理员的权利更大一些,包括公告管理,商品类别管理,订单管理,留言管理等一系列管理功能。通过详细的分析方法,经过需求确认,概要设计,详细设计,编码,单元测试,集成测试,维护等过程,完成了网上服装商城网站的操作流程,具体的步骤和相关的技术设计。 本系统基于B/S模式,采用JSP开发技术,Tomcat应用服务器,以作为数据库,使用MyEclipse作为开发工具进行开发。 关键词:网上购物;电子商务;服饰 The Design and Implement of the Clothing Shop Website Abstract With the development of society and the popularization of the Internet, network of modern life has spread to every family. Online shopping as a form of e-commerce is in its high efficiency and low-cost advantages, has gradually become a new business model and philosophy. More and more consumers, tired of all over the high streets and back lanes to find the products they need, have accustomed to using computer for shopping, and enjoy the Internet life. The entity clothing store has been deeply aware of that enterprise operation in the information age has been changed from the technology and products as the center of the business model to the customer and market-oriented business model. So it is very necessary to build a their own e-commerce website. In this paper, from the clothing shop website for users and administrators convenience point of view, the system provides the user function and administrator management functions. The user functions mainly include the non-registered users and the registered users. The non-registered users can view the basic information of products. Furthermore, users can register for the shopping cart, order inquiries, the basic produc


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