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经济管理毕业论文(经济型酒店的市场营销策略分析) 吉林大学远程教育 专科生毕业论文(设计) 中文题目 经济型酒店的市场营销策略分析 学生姓名 专业 经济管理 层次年级2009专科秋季班学号20920919010109 指导教师 职称 学习中心 江西农业大学 成绩 合格 2011年10月9日 吉林大学网络教育2011届专科生毕业论文(设计) 摘 要 随着我国旅游市场日益成熟,旅游交通条件的大力改善,国网络营销 营销策略 Abstract Under the big background of China’s rapid development in the tourism industry, the development of budget hotel fills with tremendous opportunities. Some famous brands of chain budget hotels at home and abroad explore their market in such regions as the Yangtze Delta one after another and have made great achievements, which has led to a new round of upsurge investment in budget hotels. In this process, working out the suitable marketing strategy is the key to success, and Home Inn, has done quite outstanding. In this paper, the background, concept and features of budget hotels have been analyzed, the marketing situation of the budget hotels and the 4Ps combinations of the marketing strategy of the budget hotels has been summed up. The writer also tries to find which choice can be taken and which experience can be absorbed in the marketing strategy of budget hotels, hoping to be helpful in the management of the budget hotels. Key words: budget hotel;Internet Marketing;Marketing Strategy 第 1 页 共 15 页 吉林大学网络教育2011届专科生毕业论文(设计) 目 录 一、经济型酒店的内涵、发展概况 ............................................... 1 (一)经济型酒店的概念 ....................................................................................................... 1 (二)经济型酒店的特征 ....................................................................................................... 1 二、 我国经济型酒店的SWOT分析 .............................................. 2 (一) 我国经济型酒店的优势 ........................................................................................... 2 (二)我国经济型酒店的劣势 ............................................................................................... 2 (三)我国经济型酒店的行业机遇 .................................................................


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