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摘 要 汽车是当今人类使用最广泛的交通工具。汽车发动机的自动化装配程度在一定程度上限制了汽车的自动化生产水平。因此对汽车发动机自动装配生产线的研究,对提高生产线水准具有十分重要的现实意义。在对进气口清洗装置的设计中,有几个关键的问题,首先是顶开阀杆的凸轮机构的设计;其次是驱动凸轮机构转动的电动机及皮带传动部分;再次就是缸盖的固定问题,因为在进气口和出气口进行高压空气清洗时,会给气缸盖向上的力,所以要做好固定工作。一旦进气口有一些杂质或者灰尘粒,就会导致密封不严,或者漏气的现象,这样就会影响发动机的正常工作,所以对进气口的清洗装置的设计就显得尤其关键。清洗装置的设计直接影响到发动机缸盖的密封性,对发动机的工作也有很大影响,所以设计出一套完整、完善的清洗装置是十分必要的。本文在对汽车、汽车构造、发动机的构造、分类,、工作原理、发动机气缸缸盖和生产线进行了比较详细的阐述的基础上,论述了汽车发动机缸盖生产线自动装配进气门清洗装置的设计,并对其进行了理论分析和设计计算。完成了该装置总体结构及凸轮机构、电机、带传动、气缸及清洗等主要部件的设计,为实现汽车发动机生产线自动化装置提供了参考价值。 全套图纸,加153893706 关键词:汽车发动机;缸盖;生产线;进气口清洗;东安465Q发动机 ABSTRACT The automobile is the widest means of transportation nowadays . The automation of the automobile engine assembles the automatic level of production and the degree has limited the automobile to a certain extent. So assemblly the research of the production line to the automobile engine automatically , have very important realistic meanings in improving the production line level. Washing the air inlet in the design of the device, there are several key problems, it is a design of the cam organization which backs down the valve stem at first; Secondly it is motor urging the cam organization to rotate and belt running part; fix job is another important problem, because it gives vent to the air inlet and carry on high-pressure air when washing in air inlet, will overlay upward strength for the air cylinder , so we should do the fix job well . Once the air inlet has some impurity or dust , it can not result in and sealing tightly, or the phenomenon of leaking gas, will influence the normal work of the engine like this, so it seems especially crucial to the design of the washing device of the air inlet . The design which washes the device is influenced the sealing that the engine jar covered directly, have very great influence on the work of the engine too, so it is very essential to design a set of intact , automobile , engine , operation principle,engine air cylinder jar overlay and production line carry on at the d



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