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酒店行业常用的各类指标 1. ARI均匀房价指数 Average Rate Index 是指房间均匀房价在市场上所占比例。 计算公式为:酒店均匀房价/ 市场均匀房价 备注:市场均匀房价=所有竞争酒店的房间收进总和 2. CTP营业利润贡献 Contribution to Trading Profit 计算公式为:IHG营业利润贡献=IHG管理费+IHG嘉奖管理费 IHG管理费=酒店总收进*合同约定的比率 IHG嘉奖管理费=酒店GOP*合同约定比率 3. GOP总经营利润 Gross Operating Profit 计算公式:酒店各生产营业部分营业毛利总和 市场的RevPAR 市场RevPAR=所有酒店房间收进总和 所有酒店的可卖房总数 6. GSTS宾客意见调查系统 Guest Satisfaction Tracking System GSS= Guest Satisfaction Index. . A guest overall evaluation of the quality of service received during their stay. GSS宾客满意程度指数。是宾客对进住期间所接受的服务的整体评价。 7. ESPS员工满意度调查Employee Satisfaction Pulse Survey ESS= Employee Satisfaction Index衡量员工对公司及岗位的整体满意程度。 Key Driver Report 最影响ESS分值的五个题目。 8. TQM全面质量管理 Total Quality Management TQM is focusing on process improvement and innovations and the purpose is to find the problem root cause so that to meet guest overall satisfaction. 9 steps of TQM project : 1) Project selection 2) Setup data collection system 3) Data analysis 4) Diagnosis 5) Solution 6) Confirmation 7) Standardization 8) Setup maintenance system 9) Review 9. PMS酒店经营管理系统 Property Management System 酒店主要使用Lanmark, Fidelio, Opera等。 10. SOP标准经营程序 Standard Operating Procedures There are 2 types of Standard Operating Procedures used by Hotels Group, namely Training SOPs and Flow Chart SOPs. Each hotel will be required to use this framework and customized the SOPs accordingly to suit their inpidual hotel requirements. 每酒店需根据各自要求使用此结构及定制 SOP。 All the SOPs can be download from website.所有的SOP都可以从团体网站上下载。 11. KNR重要公司协议价Key Negotiated Rate - Responsible by Global Key Account Manager - Offer special rate generally - Renew contract by RFP - Proper strategy apply and control 12. LNR”当地”公司协议价Local Negotiated Rate Sign Contract with hotel directly Big amount of account and lower contribution from each Higher contract rate than KNR mostly Renew contract by Sales Priority focus in 2017 13. RFP合作协议申请 Request for Proposal - Mostly sign or renew on yearly basis


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