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滇南热带造林地林农间作对幼林生长量的影响( 刘庆云1) 任盘宇2) 邹寿青3) 云南省思茅市林业科学研究所 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 思茅 665000 勐腊 666303 摘 要:热带地区幼林抚育管理的方法的研究很少报道。文章选择了川楝、顶果木、马占相思、山桂花、柚木、云南石梓等6个热带亚热带速生造林树种,定植于造林地上,对每一树种分别采用林农间作管理和一般管理即每年进行两次砍草和铲塘的两种方式进行幼林管理;定植后3a时测定保存率、地径、树高、冠幅生长量并进行统计分析,以探讨能否将混农林系统引入造林地管理上来。结果显示:利用林农间作方式管理造林林地平均可以提高保存率10%,加快地径生长2.00~4.30倍,加快树高生长1.89~4.51倍,使造林地提前1~3a达到郁闭,而使造林具有较好的效果并减少林地抚育的年限和抚育的投入。 关键词:林农间作,幼林抚育,生长量 EFFECTS OF ALLEY CROPPING MANAGEMENT ON THE GROWTH QUANTITY OF YOUNG FOREST IN SOUTH YUNNAN, CHINA Liu Qing-Yun1) Ren Pan-Yu1) Zou Shou-Qing3) Simao Institute of Forestry, Simao, 665000 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS, Mengla 666303 Abstract: Agroforestry is said to be a good means for land management, it has many benefits in ecological, economic and social aspects. In this paper, we studied the advantages of agroforestry management in reforested land in South Yunnan, China by analyzing the survival rate, base diameter, height and crown growth of six tropical fast-growing tree species i.e., Melia toosanden Sie.et Zucc., Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Arn. ex Wight, Acacia mangium Willd., Paramichelia baillonii Hu., Tectona grandis Linn. f., Gmelina arborea Roxb., which have been planted in tilth with different managements – alley cropping and normal management. The results show that by average, the survival rate of the young forest of the six tree species with alley cropping management increased by 10 percent, the base-diameter-growth was 2~4.3 times and the height-growth 1.89~4.51 times as fast compared to normal management. Moreover, the results also suggest that the forest canopy closure will advance by 1~3 years by alley cropping management against normal management. Keywords: Alley cropping, silviculture, cultivation withdrawal for afforestion, young forest manage, growth quantity 在更新造林地中间种粮食或其它农作物,直到森林郁闭不能间作为止的造林地经营方法,实际上就是一种目前国际国内广泛研究和提倡的


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