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黄 赛,冯正直 (400038 重庆,第三军医大学护理系心理学教研室)
[摘要] 目的 探讨抑郁症状个体注意网络的受损特点。方法 以贝克抑郁量表和自评抑郁量表为工具,筛选健康被试21名和抑郁症状被试22名,利用注意网络测验实验范式,比较两组被试在警觉、定向和执行控制3种注意网络效率上的差异。 结果 (1)从反应时分析来看,健康组与抑郁症状组在线索类型F(3,117)=283.5,P0.05、干扰类型F(2,78)=552.6,P0.05上存在显著主效应,且各条件相互间差异显著;线索类型与干扰类型F(6,234)=15.6,P0.05、干扰类型与组别的交互作用显著F(2,78)=7.26,P0.05;其他效应皆不显著;(2)从注意网络效率分析来看,警觉、定向网络效率组间差异不显著;执行控制网络效率在线索类型、组别上存在显著主效应,但两者交互作用不显著。结论 抑郁症状个体的执行控制网络受损,警觉网络与定向网络则保持相对完好。
[关键词] 注意网络;抑郁症状;认知受损
[中图法分类号] [文献标志码] A
Impairments of attentional network for depressive symptom individuals
Huang Sai, Feng Zhengzhi (Department of Psychology, College of Nursing, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, 400038, China)
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the characteristics of attentional network impairments for the depressive symptom individuals. Methods A total of 21 health individuals and 22 matched depressive symptom individuals based on Beck depression inventory (BDI) and self rating depression scale (SDS) were enrolled in this study. Attentional network test was carried out on them to compare their scores of alerting, orienting and executive control network. Results The reaction time data showed that the main effect of cue type [F(3,117)=283.5, P0.05] and flanker type [F(2,78)=552.6, P0.05] were significant between the health individuals and depressive symptom individuals. Significant interactions were found between cue type and flanker type [F(6,234)=15.6, P0.05], and between groups and flanker type [F(2,78)=7.26, P0.05].. Attentional network indexes showed that there was no significant difference in main effect on alerting and orienting effects between 2 groups. But on executive control, the main effect of cue type and groups were significant, suggesting that depressive symptom group had weaker executive control than health group. Conclusion The alerting and orienting network for the depressive symptom individuals are intact, but the executive control
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