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《药物设计与开发I(中药与化学药)》课程教学大纲 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码 (Course Code) PM326 *学时 (Credit Hours) 32 *学分 (Credits) 2 *课程名称 (Course Name) (中文)药物设计与开发I(中药与化学药) ()Drug Design and Development 课程性质 (Course Type) 必修课(Mandatory) 授课对象 (Audience) 药学专业三年级本科生(Third-grade Pharmacy undergraduates) 授课语言 (Language of Instruction) 中文或英文(Chinese or English) *开课院系 (School) 药学院(School of Pharmacy) 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 有机化学、药物化学、药理学、药剂学、中药学、中药药剂学(organic chemistry,medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacy, chinese medicine) 授课教师 (Instructor) 李绍顺、邱明丰 联合/轮流主讲 课程网址 (Course Webpage) 无 *课程简介(Description) 随着我国从制造大国向创新型国家转型,我国的新药研究开发战略已经开始由仿制向自主创新转移。为面向未来培养医药科学发展所需的高质量人才,开设新药设计与开发课程十分必要。本课程包括两部分内容,即化学药和中药的设计与开发。 在化学药的设计与开发中主要阐述新药设计的原理和方法,新药开发的基本程序和要求。内容包括:先导化合物的发现和优化,药物设计的原理和方法,如受体理论、前药原理、生物电子等排原理、计算机辅助药物设计,组合化学与高通量筛选,新药开发的一般程序和方法等。 *课程简介(Description) For the cultivation of high quality talents needed for the development of medical sciences in the future, offering a course that concentrated on the principle of drug design and development is essential. The course included the design and development of chemical medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. In chemical medicine this course mainly describes two parts of contents. One is the principles and methods of drug design. The other is the general procedures and requirements of new drug development. The contents of the course are as the followings: lead discovery and modification; principles and methods of drug design, for examples, theories for receptors, prodrugs, bioisosteres and computer-assisted drug design; combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screens; general processes and methods of new drug development. In TCM course,as a practical course,every segment of it will be presented. Its content includes concept, category, registration, project selection, preparation, quality standard, stability, pharmacodynamics, toxicology and related laws or rules. In this course, students can learn the role of different s


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