A likelihood-based assignment method for multiple criteria decision analysis with interval type-2 fuzzy information文档.pdf

A likelihood-based assignment method for multiple criteria decision analysis with interval type-2 fuzzy information文档.pdf

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A likelihood-based assignment method for multiple criteria decision analysis with interval type-2 fuzzy information文档

Neural Comput Applic DOI 10.1007/s00521-016-2288-6 ORIGINAL ARTICLE A likelihood-based assignment method for multiple criteria decision analysis with interval type-2 fuzzy information Ting-Yu Chen1 Received: 15 February 2015 / Accepted: 30 March 2016 The Natural Computing Applications Forum 2016 Abstract The purpose of this paper was to develop a applications concerning the selection of landfill sites and likelihood-based assignment method based on interval the selection of treatment options. Finally, a comparative type-2 fuzzy sets and apply it to decision-making problems analysis with other relevant methods is conducted to vali- involving multiple criteria evaluation and the ranking/se- date the effectiveness and advantages of the current lection of alternatives. The linear assignment method is a methods in decision aiding. well-known outranking method in the field of multiple criteria decision analysis. The theory of interval type-2 Keywords Likelihood Interval type-2 fuzzy set fuzzy sets is useful for addressing the uncertainty and Multiple criteria decision analysis Rank frequency imprecision associated with a subjective environment. In matrix Rank contribution matrix this paper, the key feature of the proposed method is the incorporation of the extended concept of likelihoods of fuzzy preference relations between interval type-2 trape- 1 Introduction zoidal fuzzy numbers into the main structure of the linear assignment methodology. An effective ranking procedure The concept of type-2 fuzzy sets (T2 FSs), initially intro- using the optimal membership degree determination duced by Zadeh [67], is an extension of a type-1 fuzzy set method is proposed to determine criterion-wise preference


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