Application of dry separative methods for decreasing content the residues unburned coal and separation Fe from black coal flies ash .pdf文档.pdf

Application of dry separative methods for decreasing content the residues unburned coal and separation Fe from black coal flies ash .pdf文档.pdf

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Application of dry separative methods for decreasing content the residues unburned coal and separation Fe from black coal flies ash .pdf文档

Acta Montanistica Slovaca Ročník 13 (2008), číslo 2, 235-240 Aplikácia suchých separačných metód pre znižovanie obsahu zvyškov nespáleného uhlia a separácie Fe z čiernouhoľných popolčekov 1 2 Vladimír Bláha a František Kaľavský Application of dry separative methods for decreasing content the residues unburned coal and separation Fe from black coal flies ash Main obstacle using of fly ashes in building, that is its main consumer, is the residue of unburned coal; it is expressed of loss on ignition - LOI. In present, the valid STN and EU standard limits the content of LOI to 3 – 5 %, in national conditions maximum 7 %. Application of processing technolog ies also has to assure utilization of fly ash that provides a possibility of complex utilization of individual products obtained by modification. By means of corona separation, based on different conductivity of individual fly ash elements, it is possible to separate unburned coal particles. The fly ash sample from black coal burning in melting boiler that was deposited on fly ash deposit, content of LOI of dielectric particle 6,45 % at 61 % weight yield was achieved. In the samples taken from dry taking of fly ash the non-conducting product contained 7,72 % of LOI at 73 % of weight yield. Key words: fly ash, unburned carbon, magnetic separation, high tension separation Úvod Tuhé odpady zo spaľovania uhlia v tepelných elektrárňach a teplárňach – popolčeky – sú tvorené časticami s rozdielnymi fyzikálnymi, chemickými a mineralogickými v



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