Dose calculation accuracy of different image value to density tables for cone-beam CT planning in head neck and pelvic localizations推荐.pdf

Dose calculation accuracy of different image value to density tables for cone-beam CT planning in head neck and pelvic localizations推荐.pdf

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Dose calculation accuracy of different image value to density tables for cone-beam CT planning in head neck and pelvic localizations推荐

Physica Medica 31 (2015) 146e151 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Physica Medica journal homepage: Original paper Dose calculation accuracy of different image value to density tables for cone-beam CT planning in head neck and pelvic localizations Anaïs Barateau, Christopher Garlopeau, Audrey Cugny, ^ € * Benedicte Henriques De Figueiredo, Charles Dupin, Jerome Caron, Mikael Antoine Department of Radiotherapy, Institut Bergonie, Comprehensive Cancer Centre, F-33000 Bordeaux, France a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Purpose: We aimed to identify the most accurate combination of phantom and protocol for image value Received 31 July 2014 to density table (IVDT) on volume-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) dose calculation based on kV-Cone- Received in revised form beam CT imaging, for head and neck (HN) and pelvic localizations. 24 December 2014 ® ® Methods: Three phantoms (Catphan 600, CIRS 062M (inner phantom for head and outer phantom for Accepted 29 December 2014 ® body), and TomoTherapy “Cheese” phantom) were used to create IVDT curves of CBCT systems with two Available online 13 January 2015 different CBCT



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