environmental acoustics and intensity vector acoustics with emphasis on shallow water effects and the sea surface推荐.pdf

environmental acoustics and intensity vector acoustics with emphasis on shallow water effects and the sea surface推荐.pdf

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environmental acoustics and intensity vector acoustics with emphasis on shallow water effects and the sea surface推荐

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Environmental Acoustics and Intensity Vector Acoustics with Emphasis on Shallow Water Effects and the Sea Surface Peter H. Dahl Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98105 phone: (206) 543-2667 fax: (206) 543-6785 email:dahl@apl.washington.edu Award Number: N00014-04-1-0111 LONG-TERM GOALS To understand and predict key properties of the signal intensity vector field (Umov vector) as it propagates away from an active sound source, with emphasis is on mid-frequency, shallow water propagation. Because of enabling technologies involving MEMS and bio-inspired transduction, tomorrow’s navy will depend on and utilize acoustic vector field properties (velocity, acceleration, intensity) much more than today’s. Advancement in Navy relevant capabilities will be in part realized through a better understanding of the environmental and acquisition geometry dependence (source depth, range, etc.) of the vector field in a shallow water environment. OBJECTIVES The primary technical objectives this year were to: (1) Complete acoustic and sea surface wave modeling relating to the influence of sea surface directional waves on propagation measurements from the Shallow Water 06 (SW06) experiment off the coast of New Jersey and complete the analysis of the vector property known as circularity also using data from SW06. (2) Undertake the Targets and Reverberation Experiment (TREX13) off the coast of Florida. Here a new vector sensor from China was used in the first full-scale field test, following controlled laboratory t



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