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Laser therapy for leg veins - Cosmetic Dermatology Houston 腿部静脉-皮肤美容激光治疗的休斯敦
Clinics in Dermatology (2007) 25, 454–461
Laser therapy for leg veins
Joy H. Kunishige, MD a, Leonard H. Goldberg, MDb, Paul M. Friedman, MDa,b,⁎
a University of Texas Health Science Center, Department of Dermatology, 6655 Travis St. Suite 980, Houston, TX 77030
bDermSurgery Associates, 7515 Main, Suite 240, Houston, TX 77030
Abstract Visible veins on the leg are a common cosmetic concern affecting approximately
80% of women in the United States (Engel A, Johnson MI, Haynes SG. Health effects of
sunlight exposure in the United States: results from the first national health and nutrition
examination survey, 1971-1974. Arch Dermatol 1988;124:72-9). Without a quick and
noninvasive treatment available, leg veins present a therapeutic challenge. This challenge has
been tackled by the design of lasers with longer pulse durations, and the use of lasers with
longer wavelengths and cooling devices. Recent studies show the efficacy of laser treatment
beginning to approach that of sclerotherapy, the gold standard. This review outlines the
principles guiding laser treatment, the current available options, and a clinically oriented
approach to treating leg veins.
Published by Elsevier Inc.
Introduction A second generation of PDLs with a longer wavelength
(595 nm) and longer pulse duration (1.5 milliseconds) was
In the 1980s, argon lasers were used, but the 488-nm released in 1996. These PDLs penetrated deeper but were
wavelength was strongly absorbed by melanin. 1 Also, argon still only effective for vessels up to 1 mm in depth and 1 mm
lasers were continuous lasers that did not allow for selective in width.5 Over the past 5 years, near-infrared laser
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