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北京滑雪旅游发展现状研究 摘 要 文章通过文献研究法和调查法,对北京市滑雪市场发展的现状进行了分析研 究,研究结果显示:北京市滑雪市场发展迅速;滑雪场基础设施完善;滑雪与旅游 相结合。从北京市滑雪场的分布格局看:滑雪场多分布于北部和西部山地与平原过 渡地区;靠近水源地、或者水源采集方便且交通便利的地区。影响这一格局的主要 原因是:地形、交通、水源和土地条件;从市场特征看青年市场是首位目标市场群 体;收入状况以中等收入的公司白领、机关干部和接受过高等教育者为主;滑雪旅 游消费呈现出多样性特征。总的来说目前北京市滑雪市场发展的总体状况是好的, 但也存在一些问题。今后应在滑雪场资源利用效率、管理、环境等几大问题上着重 进行改进。 关键词:北京,滑雪市场,调查研究 I 北京滑雪旅游发展现状研究 Abstract By means of literature review and investigation, the author of this paper has investigated the current situation of the skiing market in Beijing and believes that generally speaking, the current skiing market in Beijing enjoys a healthy development with its rapid growing market, ready infrastructure in various skiing resorts, a good combination of skiing and tourism. From the distribution pattern of Beijing Ski, we know most of then located in the northern and western mountains and plains of the transition region and near water sources or water collecting areas easily. Affect this pattern is mainly due to :terrain, traffic, water and land conditions. The group of young sliders as Beijing ski tourism’s major source of consumers; Most of them are white-collar, cadres, and those who had already received higher education and most of them are Middle-income people. Meanwhile, the ski tourism shows a diversity of consumption. However, some existing problems alsom in the skiing market. In the future should we have to strive to resolve efficiency of resource use, management, environment problems in the skiing resorts. Key words : Beijing, Skiing market, Study II 北京滑雪旅游发展现状研究



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