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我国城市养老保险改革中存在的问题与对策 摘 要 我国的城市养老保险从计划经济体制发展到现在的市场经济模式,基本养老保 险正处在一个明显的转型期间内。目前我国的国情决定了中国是一个人口众多的发 展中国家。在我国人均GDP水平较低,人口老龄化进程加快的形势下,应该建立一 个适合中国国情的养老保险制度。 本文通过对我国养老保险的发展历程、发展现状、问题等的分析,并考察了国 外养老保险制度的模式,提出了相关的对策建议。文章共分为四个部分。第一部分 简要概述了我国城市养老保险制度的发展。第二部分分析了我国城市养老保险的现 状以及城市养老保险改革当中存在的问题。第三部分借鉴国外养老保险的模式并找 出国外养老保险的一些成功的值得的我们借鉴的经验。第四部分是根据我国现阶段 城市养老保险改革中存在的种种弊端,提出相应的完善措施和建议。 关键词:养老保险;制度;改革措施;问题 II 我国城市养老保险改革中存在的问题与对策 Abstract With the society and civilization developing, Endowment problem becomes a focused problem in our social life. As a common system of social security about endowment problem, Endowment Insurance has been set store by many countries since it was founded. We can say that it is an assurance of developing stably to establish an Endowment Insurance suited to the actual conditions of itself country. According to the pattern of Endowment Insurance from different country, we can find that each pattern has its particular feature. In our country, the basis Endowment Insurance are been turned over to another pattern. There are also many factors in our country, such as large population, low average GDP, fast populace aging, and so on. So we must found an Endowment Insurance which is suited to our actual conditions. In this article, the author will analyze the Endowment Insurance mode all over the world, fund collection and the successful experience of manage systems, and compare to the problem and feature of Endowment insurance in our country. Then direct our Endowment Insurance innovation and give some effective countermeasures and suggestions. The text way of thinking is pass our country endowment insurance of development pro



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