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失業者特性之研究與勵志工作者效果 (Added Worker Effect)之初探 徐美* 摘要 台灣在結構性失業與失業率攀升兩項困境之下,失業所導致的社會和經濟問題相當沈重,因此對於失業者特性、組成結構、及相關的勞動供給與失業保險問題與政策之研究乃具有當務之急。本研究運用「台灣社會變遷基本調查」之失業組樣本資料,分析失業者的特徵,並區分和探討失業者中自動辭職者與被解僱者的行為模式與對稱性,以瞭解辭職和解僱機率對於保留工資的影響。此外,針對勵志工作者效果進行檢定,以瞭解其對於勞動供給變動及相關失業保險政策之影響。 研究結果顯示,辭職與解雇的機率會受到工作收入以及個人社會經濟變數顯著地影響。性別、婚姻狀況和教育程度的高低對於保留工資有顯著的影響效果,具有高流利程度國語的能力者,其保留工資會顯著地高於其他語言使用者,籍貫為大陸各省市者則相對有較高的保留工資,而失業期間的提高雖會降低保留工資但不顯著。由於失業者配偶之年齡屆於中年,且有潛在性的退縮工作者(subtracted workers),勵志工作者之效果是不顯著。保留工資是辭職機率的遞增函數,但為解僱機率的遞減函數。其隱含當辭職者搜尋工作的最低待遇較高且在其他情況相同下,辭職者可能會較解僱者的失業期間為長。且當被解雇的風險提高時,保留工資會隨之下降,具有低保留工資的工作搜尋者,會有較短的失業搜尋期間。對於失業風險高者或是傾向有較長失業期間的勞工,可據以採用不同的失業給付辦法並判定不同的失業金額,以有效的運用社會資源並提高搜尋工作的誘因,降低因高失業率所導致的社會成本之政策意涵。 關鍵字: 結構性失業、辭職機率、解僱機率、保留工資、勵志供作者效果。 Analysis on the Characteristics of the Unemployed and Added Worker Effect Mei Hsu The structural unemployment and high unemployment rates are as a consequence of structural change of industry and transitions of labor market in Taiwan. The resulted social and economic costs are increasingly expanded and the issue of disentangling the unemployment is significantly important. In order to extricate the issue of persistent high unemployment and related policy implications on the unemployment insurance, this study employs the social survey data to analyze the characteristics of the unemployed and the behaviors of quitters and those who are laid off as well as the added worker effect. The research results indicate that the wages form last job and socioeconomic background of individual affect the probabilities of quits and layoffs significantly. Married men with higher educational attainments, individuals with origin from Mainland China and higher proficiency of mandarin language have higher reservation wages than their counterparts. In addition, the added worker effect is insignificant might be due to the older age and the effects of the subtracted workers of the spouse of the employed. Most of all, this research shows empirically that the reservation wage is an increasin


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