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fluorine in peptide design and protein engineering推荐
DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200500205
Fluorine in Peptide Design and Protein Engineering
Christian Jäckel[a] and Beate Koksch*[a]
Keywords: Fluorine / Protein engineering / Peptide design / Non-natural amino acids / Secondary structure
The use of fluorine has become well established in the analy- versially discussed. The systematic investigation of the inter-
sis of protein structure and function, e.g. in tools such as 19F action properties of fluoroalkyl groups in a native polypep-
NMR spectroscopy. The application of the unique electronic tide environment broadens the scope of fluorinated amino
properties of this element for the structural and chemical acids to the rational design of structural motifs and protein
modification of peptides and proteins emerged as a promis- interfaces.
ing approach. However, the influences of amino acid fluori- (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim,
nation on side-chain interactions in proteins are still contro- Germany, 2005)
Introduction alignment of the twenty canonical amino acids, is limited
by profound factors such as weak metabolic stability, bad
The key to controlling the biological functionality and bioavailability in vivo, and insufficient biological potency.
therapeutic efficacy of peptide-based drugs is provided by These issues arise from the
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