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Karst Features and Hydrogeology of the Proposed Sabal Trail推荐
Karst Features and Hydrogeology of the
Proposed Sabal Trail Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline
Withlacoochee River Crossing - Hamilton County, Florida
August 2014
Table of Contents
Section Page
Abstract 2
Introduction 2
Karst Terms and Definitions 3
Hydrogeology of the Study Area 4
Karst Features Identified in the Study Area 6
Springs Identified in the Study Area 8
LIDAR Imagery 11
Geologic Considerations Supporting Pipeline Relocation 12
Conclusions and Recommendations 13
Figure 1: Detailed Study Area General Location Map 16
Figure 2: Withlacoochee Crossing Topography 17
Figure 3: Withlacoochee Crossing Karst Features, Fracture Traces and Lineaments 18
Figure 4: Withlacoochee Crossing LIDAR Topographic Detail 19
Figure 5: Withlacoochee Crossing Parcel Map and Drill Locations 20
Figure 6: Suwannee River Withlacoochee River Confluence Regional Topography 21
References Cited 22
Karst Features and Hydrogeology of the Proposed
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