
The quest for low-energy supersymmetry and the role of high-energy n e^+e^- colliders推荐.pdf

The quest for low-energy supersymmetry and the role of high-energy n e^+e^- colliders推荐.pdf

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CERN-TH.6357/91 The quest for low-energy supersymmetry 2 and the role of high-energy e+e− colliders 9 9 1 r a M F. Zwirner1 9 Theory Division, CERN, 1 Geneva, Switzerland v 4 0 2 3 0 Abstract 2 9 The motivations for low-energy supersymmetry and the main features / of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model are h p reviewed. Possible non-minimal models and the issue of gauge cou- p- pling unification are also discussed. Theoretical results relevant for su- e persymmetric particle searches at present and future accelerators are h + − : presented, with emphasis on the role of a proposed e e collider with v √s = 500 GeV. In particular, recent results on radiative corrections i X to supersymmetric Higgs boson masses and couplings are summarized, r and their implications for experimental searches are discussed in some a detail. Plenary talk at the Workshop on Physics and Experiments with Linear Colliders, Saariselk¨a, Lapland, Finland, 9–14 September 1991 CERN-TH.6357/91 December 1991 1On leave from INFN, Sezione di Padova, Italy. 1 Introduction Realistic models of low-energy supersymmetry have been studied for about 15 years, starting with the pioneering works of Fayet [1] and continuing with more and more systematic investigations [2], but there is no decisive experi


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