
Towards a methodology for the design of hybrid systems in automotive electronics推荐.pdf

Towards a methodology for the design of hybrid systems in automotive electronics推荐.pdf

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Towards a methodology for the design of hybrid systems in automotive electronics推荐

TOWARDS A METHODOLOGY FOR THE DESIGN OF HYBRID SYSTEMS IN AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS Mr M Conrad, Daimler-Benz AG Mr M Weber, Daimler-Benz AG Mr O Müller, Technical University Munich Germany 98AE012 Abstract: Today powerful tools supporting specification, analysis, simulation, and code generation for either purely discrete or predominantly continuous system models are in widespread practical use. However, many applications in electronic control units (ECUs) make it necessary to support the combined use of these different methodologies and tools. In this paper, we propose elements of an integrated methodology for developing hybrid, i.e. discrete and continuous, ECUs. The ideas originate from our experiences in the area of automotive electron- ics. The basic proposal is to differentiate between three conceptual levels when developing hybrid automotive systems: 1) established semi-formal and formal notations which constitute the notational basis of the methodology, 2) design rules and modeling guidelines which give advice on how to use these notations, and 3) global design reference models, which detail the development process ac- cording to a specific class of applications by composing individual design steps and corresponding validation tasks to methodological units. 1 Introduction Many applications in embedded systems make it necessary to support the combined use of method- ologies and tools for both purely discrete and predominantly continuous systems. This is not at all surprising, as the design of an embedded software controller strongly depends on an understanding of its, frequently predominantly continuous, environment. For a number of year



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